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  ou Can Easily Become an Aman Addict
  这里所有的客房都是独栋院落,作为Jaya Ibrahim最爱的遗作之一,法云极简古朴,最大程度保留了十八世纪杭州原始村落木、砖、瓦的屋舍结构;据悉原本每家每户杂居,房型朝向、外墙颜色都不尽相同,修复时觅来老匠人用泥和稻草混合,掺夹糯米以增粘性,复辟外墙。房间内部也只稍作融葺,值得一提的是在素净的地砖下铺了地暖,设计深入浅出,并没有忽视现代人居应有的舒适度。
  Speaking of getting acquainted with Aman, it may be dated back to 2008. At that time, as an entry-level green hand, I followed a design master to see the world, and our first stop was Java Island of Indonesia. When having breakfast at the gold foil hall with Roman columns surrounded in Amanjiwo, I witnessed through the coconut trees the rising sun was evenly rising from the top of Temple of Borobodur, just like a salted egg yolk; in a twinkle, the red was melting into the clear blue and enlightening us about the thousand-year vicissitudes of life. It was that moment of shock that overturned my inherent understanding about top hotel. A top hotel should bring about enough comfort level and sense of beauty, and also should awaken people's deep perception and resonance to historical humanism.
  Fayun village had been a hideaway for hermit & scholar as early as the Ming dynasty, which hideaway cultural context was penetrated into these 47 courtyards as the dominant context. Distributed on the two sides of Fayun path along the stream, every courtyard has its own name, for example, Xiao Yao (English meaning: leisure), Han Ting (English meaning: letter pavilion), San Jiu (English meaning: the third nine-day period after the winter solstice), Le Tao (English meaning: joyful pottery) and Qing Quan (English meaning: clear spring). This village escaped the misfortune of demolition at the last moment 15 years ago, and survived. It joined Aman 7 years ago, and its destiny had changed instantly since then.
  All guest rooms at here are single-family courtyards. Being one of Jaya Ibrahim's favorite posthumous works, with the minimal and primitive simplicity styles, Fayun preserved the house structure consist of wood, brick and tile of Hangzhou original village in the 18th century to the greatest extent; it is reported that, originally, every family lived together at here, and every house had different types and orientations and their external walls also had different colors. Veteran craftsmen had been invited to restore the houses, and they restored the external walls with mud mixed with straw as well as sticky rice for enhancing viscosity. The internal rooms also just had been made a little adjustment and repair. It is worth mentioning that underfloor heating system has been paved beneath the plain floor tile. The simple design did not ignore the due comfort level of modern residential environment.
餐厅位于度假村的核心位置,Inara餐厅设计提供私密的室内餐和室外餐桌,让宾客在此用餐时尽情享受放松時刻。  在马拉喀什“心脏”与家人或爱人分享一次东方美食之旅吧。  Located in the heart of the resort on the lobby level, Inara's Riad-inspired design offers intimate indoor and outdo
The Peninsula Paris  Glamour of the City of Light  由犹太裔嘉道理家族执掌的半岛酒店,堪称近代亚洲史上最具知名度的顶级奢华酒店品牌。自1866年集团首创,1928年第一家半岛酒店在香港开业并享有“远东贵妇”声誉,半岛品牌至今只有十间酒店,皆是超越五星级水准的经典之作。  巴黎半岛酒店于2014年8月開业,是该亚洲传奇品牌进驻欧洲的首家酒店,一举摘得
A Harmony of Cantonese & French Cuisine  慣熟东方文化精髓是半岛品牌的优势,而忠于当地、呈现当地特色的定位使半岛酒店成为一地的代表性酒店。巴黎半岛酒店作为品牌在欧洲的第一家酒店进驻花都,需要解决如何实现中西合璧的课题。酒店一层的莉莉中餐厅和屋顶的云雀餐厅一中一法,交相辉映,迥异的风格构成了新鲜有趣的对比。  莉莉中餐厅建于1908年开业的老酒店餐厅原址,以中
Le Royal Monceau Raffles Paris  Highlights of International Cuisine  巴黎萊佛士皇家梦索酒店以高品质的国际化餐饮著称。酒店内的Matsuhisa Paris日料餐厅将亚洲风味与南美风情融合,是名厨松久信幸(Nobu Matsuhisa)对日式料理的风格演绎。Il Carpaccio餐厅是米其林1星的意式餐厅,借鉴意大利各地的传统家
Historical Splendor Restored  巴黎半島酒店的前身是一座19世纪末的古典法式老建筑,1908年开幕为宏伟酒店“The Hotel Majestic”,见证了上世纪初巴黎的最美好时代。1922年,乔伊斯、普鲁斯特、毕加索、谢尔盖·狄亚基列夫和伊戈尔·斯特拉文斯基在这里共进晚餐;1928年,美国作曲家乔治·格什温下榻酒店,写下《一个美国人在巴黎》一曲。1973年,《巴黎和平
A Garden of Italian Fine Cuisine  Il Carpaccio餐廳给人的第一印象是宽敞明亮、亲切自然。餐厅整体仿佛一座玻璃做的日光房,天气好时,阳光透过玻璃屋顶在桌布上照出醉人的光影,落地大窗外的翠绿是皇家梦索酒店的中心花园。那些装饰吊灯的珍珠和贝壳预示着蔚蓝的地中海元素,餐厅内饰呈现西西里式的巴洛克风格。  这是巴黎第一家获评米其林星级的意大利餐厅,开业至今已30年
Solano餐厅为宾客提供独特的自助式早餐和晚餐,精致的餐厅设计融合了摩洛哥的本土艺术,采用现代元素和精巧的景观园景,设在露天平臺之上,供宾客俯瞰度假村的喷泉美景。  餐厅沿用主厨的个人的家庭食谱,让您在北非的旅途中也能感受到来自意大利半岛的暖流。  In an elegant decor combining Moroccan artwork with more contemporary elem
被17公頃暗香疏影、苍翠欲滴的花园而环绕着的马拉喀什四季度假酒店提供各式娱乐服务,包括设备齐全的健身中心,葱郁宽敞的网球场。完美而精致的水疗馆则融合了中东传统疗法和当地西方特色疗法,在享受完美服务的同时体验各式娱乐。简洁而高雅的室外活力设施,拥有两个独立的游泳池,其中之一专为家庭和孩童嬉戏。四季度假村还有一座专为儿童设置的俱乐部和青年中心。  完美服务至上的四季酒店集团,使宾客拥有前所未有的住宿体
伴随着全球会议经济的蓬勃发展,酒店已成为举办会议的重要场所,中国饭店业协会的数据显示,当今世界85%的会议都在酒店举行,因此,会议管理水平将直接决定相关酒店在会议市场中的生存与发展。  2016年3月初,笔者到成都做调研,“西部大都会”、“中国会展之都”的口号吸引了大批大型会议和展览落户于此,这为当地酒店提供了丰富的优质客源。成都会议市场的迅猛发展直接增强了当地酒店在会议市场中角色的重要性,虽然具
Presidential Imperial Suite, the Classical French Style  昏黃的光晕,映射出位于酒店二楼面积达250平米的总统套房,天花板挑高3.6米,还配有85平米超大客厅以及私人厨房、餐厅、独立的办公区域以及室内spa。经由埃德塔特尔之手营造了一个精致、温馨又现代的独特的室内氛围,塔特尔此次设计以法式风格为主,完全符合法国建筑条例,围绕路易十六时期优雅的