
来源 :流行歌曲(男朋友.女朋友) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ylfxg
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7月30日,孙燕姿台北演唱会火辣开场。燕姿先以一招“天外飞仙”揭开在台北巨蛋举行的演唱会序幕,她身穿长20米的飘逸白纱冉冉升空高唱《风筝》,再化身“风筝”吊在空中献唱,与八位伴舞者悬空表演前空翻,其技令人惊叹。正当全场目不转晴盯着燕姿时,舞者突然一起撕开她的裙摆。她在“惊呼”声中露出长裤演唱《奔》,并动情地说:“台北是我开始的城市,也是成就我的地方!”随后燕姿登上两层楼高的吊桥,与歌迷近距离接 July 30, Stefanie Sun Taipei concert was hot. Yanzi first to move a “fairy” to unveil the concert in Taipei Dome prelude, she was wearing a long white gauze 20 meters slowly rising to sing “kite”, and then reincarnation “kite Hanging in the air singing, with eight dancers dangling performance front flip, his skills amazing. While the audience did not turn clear staring Yan Zi, the dancer suddenly tearing her skirt. She ”troubles“ sound exposed trousers singing ”Ben“, and emotionally said: ”Taipei is my starting city, but also my place! " Then Yanzi boarded the two-story Drawbridge, close to the fans
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In recent years, domestic and international linguists take a very large step forward on the study of foreign language reading comprehension. And the role of bac
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摘 要:在新课改理念下,朗读教学对学生和教师都有着不可估量的作用,但在当前初中语文的朗读教学中存在诸多问题。只有提高对朗读教学的重视度,实现朗读教学的多样化,扩大朗读教学的范围性,增强朗读教学的灵活化,才能真正提高朗读教学的质量。  关键词:朗读教学;作用;现状;对策  中图分类号:G633.3 文献标识码: A 文章编号:1992-7711(2016)18-070-01  0  2011年由中华
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