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[目的]了解建筑工地工人性病艾滋病(STDs/AIDS)及安全套的知识、态度及行为,为开展健康教育提供指导依据。[方法]采取整群随机抽样的方法,对上海市徐汇区6个建筑工地的620名建筑工人进行问卷调查,主要包括性病艾滋病的知识、态度和安全套的认识及使用等内容。[结果]在性病艾滋病知识、态度及行为方面,有关“性病是可预防的”、“与艾滋病病人不用安全套的性行为可以传播艾滋病毒”、“感染艾滋病病毒的孕妇可以将病毒传染给胎儿”及“艾滋病病毒携带者可能会看起来很健康”等问题的回答正确率较高,在79.9% ̄96.76%之间。但对于几个关于感染途径的问题(如与艾滋病人握手,共用毛巾、马桶,接吻,咳嗽及昆虫叮咬等),大多数人存在错误认识,回答正确率仅为4.60% ̄35.9%。在安全套的认识和使用方面,有关安全套的正确使用方法,仅有11.11%的人知道用食用油或凡士林作为安全套润滑剂会导致安全套破裂,27.21%的人知道戴安全套时应该把顶部小囊中的空气挤掉,29.47%的人知道在把安全套戴上阴茎之前,安全套不应该被完全展开。发生商业性性行为时,61.10%的人会选择使用安全套,但与配偶或情人发生性关系时,仅有不到25%的人使用安全套。[结论]建筑工人多数来自农村,文化程度较低,大多居住在建筑工地,与外界相对隔绝,对性病艾滋病知识比较缺乏,安全套的认识及使用率较低,应采取有针对性的宣教方式,加强对建筑工人相关防治知识的宣传及安全套的推广使用,使性病艾滋病防治知识得以提高。 [Objective] To understand the knowledge, attitude and behavior of STDs / AIDS and condom in construction sites and provide guidance for health education. [Methods] A total of 620 construction workers in 6 construction sites in Xuhui District of Shanghai were surveyed by cluster sampling method. The questionnaires included the knowledge and attitudes of STD and AIDS and the condom use and so on. [Results] Regarding STD / AIDS knowledge, attitude and behavior, “STDs are preventable” and “HIV / AIDS can be transmitted without condom use by HIV / AIDS.” "Pregnant women infected with HIV The rate at which the virus is transmitted to the fetus and the HIV carriers may look healthy is correct, ranging from 79.9% to 96.76%. However, most people have some misunderstandings about the route of infection (such as shaking hands with AIDS patients, sharing towels, toilets, kissing, coughing and insect bites, etc.), and the correct answer rate is only 4.60% ~ 35.9%. In terms of condom use and awareness, only 11.11% knew that condoms could be ruptured with edible oil or petroleum jelly as a condom lubricant, 27.21% knew that when wearing a condom, Of the air squeezed out, and 29.47% knew that the condom should not be fully deployed until the condom was put on the penis. 61.10% of people choose to use condoms when they do business sex, but less than 25% use condoms when having sex with their spouse or lover. [Conclusion] The majority of construction workers came from rural areas with low educational level. Most of the construction workers lived in construction sites and were relatively isolated from the outside world. Compared with the lack of knowledge of STD and AIDS and the low condom use rate, condoms should be adopted in a targeted manner. We will step up publicity on the prevention and control of construction workers and the promotion and use of condoms to raise awareness of STD and AIDS prevention and treatment.
柳德米拉(普京前妻):有人放话要追求  普京的前妻柳德米拉已有了追求者,俄新西伯利亚拥有“戈比百万富翁”绰号的退休者尤里·巴宾决心向柳德米拉求婚。巴宾表示:“我2008年离婚,我想获得柳德米拉的芳心。我2个月前就有这种想法。普京总统在直播连线中再次提醒我。我相信,我的愿望能够实现。”这位退休者表示,他与普京同龄,相信柳德米拉会从媒体上了解他的感情,并给予答复。不过,他的求婚目前还没有得到答复。  