
来源 :江苏水利 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hong_77521
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水利离市场有多远?这是在我国实行市场经济体制后,社会向水利提出的一个新问题,从事水利事业的人们必须从理论和实践上作出回答。 回答这一问题,首先要搞清水利能不能走向市场的问题。在市场经济深入发展的形势下,应该说这一命题 How far is the water conservancy from the market? This is a new issue that society has proposed to water conservancy since the implementation of a market economy in our country. People engaged in water conservancy must answer both in theory and in practice. To answer this question, we must first find out whether water can go to the market. In the context of the deepening development of the market economy, this proposition should be said
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1 概述 大运河监测凋度系统(以下简称系统)是集现代通信、计算机和遥测遥控诸技术于一体的综合性系统工程,它的建设为大运河沿线地区的防汛指挥、工程调度、水情测报等提供