A Totally Depleted Au-silicon Surface-barrier Charged Particle Telescope System

来源 :IMP & HIRFL Annual Report | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xing5
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In nuclear physics experiments, the depleted Au-silicon surface-barrier charged particle telescope△E-E system detectors in various thickness are the important tools, which are used not only to measure the energies of particles, and also identify the various kinds of particles. When the charged particles pass through In nuclear physics experiments, the depleted Au-silicon surface-barrier charged particle telescope △ EE system detectors in various thickness are the important tools, which are used not only to measure the energies of particles, and also identify the various kinds of particles. When the charged particles pass through
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[摘 要] 名师工作室有效发挥了名师的“领头雁”作用,促进并带动了一大批青年教师的专业成长,起到了推动教育均衡发展、推动教学健康发展和成就学生终身发展的重要作用。名师工作室的建立需要一定的权威性和社会认可度,才能起到名师工作室的建设功效以及名师的辐射作用。为此,名师的教学主张、教学方法、教学措施乃至教学风格的形成及其在团队中影响力的强化,就显得尤为重要。  [关 键 词] 会计专业;名师工作室;现
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和谐是事物的最佳状态,和谐是人们的追求,也是教育的追求。构建和谐课堂,首先得构建和谐的师生关系,这样才能促进小学生的数学发展。 Harmony is the best of things, harmo
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