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  Do you really know teenagers?Do you really understand juvenile delinquency?Nowadays, with the deepening of reform and opening up, people think more and more highly of the economy. There is no doubt that our country has been more and more strong than ever before .But at the same time, many serious social problems have surfaced. One of most conspicuous is juvenile delinquency. Because of peasant worker rush and the development of the Internet ,more and more teenagers lack of parents' guidance and affected by bad information so that get on the road to crime. In recent years ,our country has also introduced some laws about juvenile delinquency. And many people doubt that whether teenagers should be punished for their defend the laws behavior. But in my opinion, we should impose heavier penalty on juvenile delinquency.
  Only by imposing heavier penalty on juvenile delinquency, can juvenile offender have a better future and their family have less disaster. On the one hand ,if teenager who break the law ,he will suffer psychologically, especially for teenagers who mentally immature .According to the research by psychologists,more than 79 percent of minors have mental illness after committing a crime,even 9% of people will have the tendency to commit suicide due to psychological burden.so juvenile delinquency will Seriously hinder the psychological growth of teenagers.
  On the other hand ,teenagers who have committed crimes are hardly treated qualities .In modern society, people attach great importance to personal qualities .If the person has committed a crime and is still a teenager, society is likely to isolate him in every way,such as in workplace,in marriage and in social welfare .According to the survey results, young people who have committed crimes are 74 percent less likely to find a job .And their income levels are 43 percent lower than normal people .So I think juvenile delinquency will hinder the future development of teenagers seriously.
  Not only this,Juvenile delinquency also can darken the whole family .Nowadays, With the development of the times, more and more families have only one child, It also means that the child bears the family's hope. If they turn to crime, it means no hope for the whole family .So I think juvenile delinquency will push the family into endless disasters.
  Based on the above points, I urgently hope that the punishment for juvenile delinquency should be increased .To prevent minor crimes in the cradle ,and then the teenagers can have a better future and the family will be happier.   What is more ,juvenile crime will bring a threat to the victim's life safety, but also affect the victim's family happiness .Studies show that 90% of crimes have victims, and the existence rate of victims of juvenile crimes is higher. Therefore juvenile delinquency does great damage to the victims. There has been a juvenile delinquency recently .MAO YUN, a teenager in a burglary, by the householder WANG stubborn resistance, he prepared a dagger to householder WANG even stabbed several knives, until WANG fell in a pool of blood no longer resist, with his partner after the search to escape. And then WANG was dead. This is a serious juvenile delinquency. MAO YUN's behavior has seriously threatened the life and property of others. Therefore, it is urgent to increase the punishment of juvenile delinquency. Let those teenagers with bad ideas pull back,give other people a safe surrounding .
  Juvenile delinquency will also bring disasters for the victim's family. In some time, they will be afraid for the safety of their loved ones, also they will lose their loved ones. Take the previous example,Wang was killed, his wife produced great mental harm not only, and because lost husband and lost source of livelihood, brought direct crisis to its survival ,push the family into endless disasters. Even in some cases, relatives may feel vindictive. In this way, Society will become unstable.
  It is necessary to severely punish the crimes committed by minors. Such already can return victim an innocent, return victim family a justice. More important is to let the minor dare not crime, fundamentally eliminate the victim, make the society stable.
  梁鹏 (1999-),男,汉族,延边大学工学院机械设计制造及其自动化专业。
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摘 要:互联网技术的发展直接影响了各行各业,金融经济也因为互联网技术的介入而发生了较大的改变,逐步進入互联网金融时代。被大家熟知的移动支付手段正是在互联网金融快速发展的背景之下,覆盖了生产生活中的各个场景,例如微信、支付宝。由此可见,我国的互联网金融正处于高速发展的时期,这对传统商业而言是前所未有的冲击与挑战。传统商业银行在发展过程中不仅要面临内部竞争,还要考虑到跨行业的竞争,只有基于自身发展状况
摘 要:近年来随着我国社会结构的不断多样化,社会经济的不断发展对于商业银行金融业务产品的种类需求越来越多,功能也将越来越复杂,为了应对国内经济结构的调整和保证经济的快速稳定发展,商业银行就应当加强对于金融业务产品的创新,有效调动资本活力,并且满足市场上对于金融产品的不同需求,促使我国经济结构快速发展与成长。本文将对商业银行金融业务产品创新的现状和对策展开探讨,并提出金融业务产品的创新思路和相应对策