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治疗方药:锦纹大黄300克,研为极细末,陈醋 1000毫升,砂锅内文武火熬成膏,倾在新瓦上,日晒夜露5昼夜,将上药取下,再研为细末,然后用制硫黄、宫粉各20克,人中黄100克,与前大黄研为细末,过100~200目筛,棕色玻璃瓶贮藏备用。亦可按0.5克/粒胶囊分装备用。2~7岁口服1~2克,8~14岁口服2~4.5克,15岁以上者口服5~8克。每日分2次服,也可1次服下,用蜂蜜调服或米汤水送服。至解除大便和排除较多蛔虫为止,一般用药不超过2天。服药后,服半月白米软粥以养胃气,忌食生冷腥荤等物。服该药后大约3小时即出现肠蠕动感和肛门排气现象,大约4~5小时后解出大便或随大便排出蛔虫成虫。服药3克以上可大便2~3次,停药无持续性腹泻现象。治疗结果:本组治疗47例。有大量蛔虫成虫排出体外,症状消失,X 光腹部透视梗阻阴影消失者为痊愈,共35例;有部分蛔虫成虫排出体外,腹透可见梗阻阴影缩小,症状减轻者为好转,共10例;用药2 Treatment prescription: 300 grams of rhubarb rhubarb, research is very fine, 1000 milliliters of vinegar, casserole Wenhuo fire into a paste, dumped on the new tile, day and night exposed 5 days and nights, remove the drug, and then research into the fine , Then use the system of sulfur, 20 grams of house powder, 100 grams of yellow in humans, with the former research on the rhubarb as fine, over 100 to 200 mesh sieve, brown glass bottles for storage. It can also be used with 0.5 g/capsules. 2 to 7 years old oral 1 to 2 grams, 8 to 14 years old oral 2 to 4.5 grams, 15 years old orally 5 to 8 grams. Take 2 servings daily. You can also take 1 serving. Use honey to transfer clothes or rice soup. Until the stool is removed and more worms are eliminated, the general medication does not exceed 2 days. After taking the medicine, serve half a month of white rice soft porridge to raise stomach gas, not eat raw cold wolfberry and other objects. About 3 hours after taking the drug, the motility of the bowel movements and anal exhaustion occurred. After about 4 to 5 hours, stools were released or adult worms were discharged with the stool. More than 3 grams of medication can be 2 to 3 times the stool, withdrawal without persistent diarrhea. Treatment results: 47 patients were treated in this group. A large number of adult aphid excreted from the body, the symptoms disappeared, the disappearance of the obstruction of the X-ray obstruction shadow was cured, a total of 35 cases; some adult aphids excreted, the abdominal dialysis can see the obstructive shadow shrink, the symptoms relieved for the better, a total of 10 cases; medication 2