
来源 :贵州政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wyattwong
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各自治州、市人民政府,各地区行署,各县(自治县、市、市辖区、特区)人民政府,省政府各部门、各直属机构: 1998年以来,我省认真贯彻落实国家关于实施天然林保护工程、全面停止采伐长江上游、黄河上中游天然林的重大决策,积极组织实施天然林保护等重点林业生态工程,全省森林资源培育和保护工作取得新的进展。但是,近一段时间来,一些地方在森林资源管理中,特别是在天然林保护工作中出现了一些不容忽视的问题,主要是:对保护天然林资源的重要性认识不足,法制观念淡薄,片面强调局部利益和眼前利益,以各种借口,巧立名目采伐天然林;没有按照国家实施天然林保护工程,大力推进生态环境建设的要求,及时理顺森林资源林政和林业站管理体制,把商 All autonomous prefectures and municipal people’s governments, administrative offices of all regions, people’s governments of all counties (autonomous counties, cities, municipal districts and special administrative regions) and departments directly under the provincial government: Since 1998, our province has conscientiously implemented the national guidelines on implementing natural forest protection Project to completely stop the major decisions of cutting the upper reaches of the Yangtze River and natural forests in the upper and middle reaches of the Yellow River and actively organize and implement key forestry ecological projects such as natural forest protection. New progress has been made in the cultivation and protection of forest resources in the province. However, in recent days some problems that can not be neglected in the management of forest resources, especially in the protection of natural forests, have emerged in some places. The main problems are: the lack of understanding of the importance of protecting natural forest resources, the weak legal concept, the unilateral Emphasizing the local interests and immediate interests, excuse all kinds of excuses to create the name of natural forest harvesting; not in accordance with the implementation of natural forest protection projects in the country, vigorously promote the ecological environment construction requirements, timely rationalize the forest resources, forestry and forestry management system, the business
一.当前农业显示的问题和难点  1.中国农业已走出短缺经济,所有农产品都销售困难,显示过剩。  2.产量和经济收入不协调,增产没给农民带来高收入。新技术能增产,但后果是销售困
在湖南省慈利县金岩乡海拔917.8米的茶园山下有条小溪,小溪绕过当地香火鼎盛的南岳寺注入九都溪。  1935年深秋,贺龙率红二军团一部路过小溪(今乐园)一带准备抢渡澧水。当地反动势力胁迫群众携粮携物躲入茶园的山洞,企图切断红军与群众的联系。当时气温骤降,红军生活艰难。贺龙当机立断动员红军战士寻找当地人。将近中午,一名红军战士将一位白发老者带到贺龙面前,说道:“报告,这是抓到的土豪劣坤!”贺龙走到老
本文根据傅立叶电子光学理论,计算了空心束暗场电子显微象的亮度分布,小圆档板对亮度的影响以及亮度变化和位相变化的关系。 Based on Fourier electron optics theory, thi