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目的探讨健脾益肺汤联合西药治疗小儿哮喘缓解期的临床疗效。方法选取新余市城南胜利南路社区卫生服务中心2015年5月—2016年8月收治的哮喘缓解期患儿60例。随机分为对照组与观察组,各30例。对照组予以常规西药治疗,观察组在对照组基础上联合健脾益肺汤治疗,两组患儿均治疗3个月。比较两组患儿临床疗效、哮喘发作次数及症状积分、肺功能指标[第1秒力呼气末容积(FEV_1),最大呼吸流量(PEF)]及治疗满意度。结果观察组临床疗效优于对照组(P<0.05)。治疗前两组患儿哮喘发作次数及症状积分比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);治疗后观察组患儿哮喘发作次数少于对照组,症状积分低于对照组(P<0.05)。治疗前两组患儿FEV_1、PEF比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);治疗后观察组患儿FEV_1、PEF高于对照组(P<0.05)。观察组治疗满意度高于对照组(P<0.05)。结论健脾益肺汤联合西药治疗小儿哮喘缓解期的临床疗效确切,可有效改善患儿的肺功能,缓解其临床症状,提高患儿生活质量,促进疾病康复。 Objective To investigate the clinical effects of Jianpi Yifei Decoction combined with western medicine in the treatment of pediatric asthma remission. Methods Sixty children with asthma remission were selected from May 2015 to August 2016 in Shengli South Road Community Health Service Center, South of Xinyu City. Randomly divided into control group and observation group, 30 cases each. The control group was treated with conventional western medicine. The observation group was treated with Jianpi Yifei Decoction on the basis of the control group. Both groups were treated for 3 months. The clinical efficacy, number of asthma attacks and symptom scores, pulmonary function indicators (FEV 1, maximum respiratory flow (PEF)] and satisfaction were compared between the two groups. Results The clinical efficacy of the observation group was better than that of the control group (P <0.05). There were no significant differences in the number of asthma attacks and symptom scores between the two groups before treatment (P> 0.05). After treatment, the number of asthma attacks in observation group was less than that in control group, and symptom score was lower than that in control group (P <0.05) . There was no significant difference in FEV_1 and PEF between the two groups before treatment (P> 0.05). After treatment, FEV_1 and PEF in observation group were higher than those in control group (P <0.05). The satisfaction of the observation group was higher than that of the control group (P <0.05). Conclusion Jianpi Yifei Decoction combined with Western medicine treatment of pediatric asthma remission of clinical curative effect is exact, can effectively improve children’s lung function, relieve their clinical symptoms, improve children’s quality of life and promote disease rehabilitation.
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