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If ever there were a spring day so perfect,So uplifted by a warm intermittent breezethat it made you want to throwopen all the windows in the house
<正> 贫富的产生是经济生活的必然结果。在英语中存在许多关于“贫穷”的表述方法。它们大体分为两类:直陈词语和委婉词语。弄清哪些属于直陈词语,哪些属于委婉语对于英语学
<正> I. Supply the missing part(20%)Study the fallowing essay carefully and fill in the missing part with about 100 words, giving appropriate suggestion for the
【问】[437]在《大学英语四级考试王长喜英语预测卷》(第六版)p.107上,参考作文范文Positive and Negative Efforts of Short Message Service(SMS)中,有以下一句:
Regular, Moderate physical activity can help prevent *a multitude of1 health problems. It protects against heart disease and favorably *modifies other cardiovas
四年一度的美国总统选举正如火如荼地进行。随着投票日期的临近,共和党与民主党两大政营之间的竞争也愈演愈烈。继前段时间双方召集了各自党派的全国代表大会(national conven
The paradox of our time in history is that: We have taller buildings, but shorter tempers; Wider freeways, but narrower viewpoints ; We spend more, but have les