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鲁迅的小说富有深刻的思想性和独特的艺术性。不仅为文学殿堂塑造了一系列意义深刻而又栩栩如生的典型,而且以其高妙的“画眼睛”和“勾灵魂”等艺术手法使作品更具认识价值和审美价值。鲁迅小说中的每个细节都有着独到的匠心,他常以白描手法,涉笔于“手”,创构出一幅幅令人深思的画面,充分体现了丰满而又洗炼,隽永而又舒展,诙谐而又峭拔的艺术风格。收入中学语文课本中的鲁迅小说,有多篇直接写到“手”,有的甚至用了“繁笔”,这些笔墨都是小说的重要细节,有着深广的意蕴,闪射出令人瞩目的艺术光彩,是典型的妙“手”生花。一、凸现人物肖像《故乡》中的少年闰土是一位“顶着银圈,手捏一柄钢叉”的小英雄,英俊可爱,但中年闰土则是一位遭受过 Lu Xun’s novels are deeply ideological and uniquely artistic. It not only created a series of profound and lifelike examples for the literary palace, but also used its fine “painting eyes” and “hooking soul” techniques to make the work more cognizable and aesthetic. Each detail in Lu Xun’s novels has its own unique ingenuity. He often uses white-drawing techniques and writes on the “hands” to create a picture that is thought-provoking, fully embodies the fullness and purity, timeless yet Stretching, witty and artful style. In Lu Xun’s novels of middle school Chinese textbooks, there are many articles written directly to the “hands”, and some even use “complicated writing.” These brushstrokes are important details of the novels, and they have deep and wide implication, flashing eye-catching arts. Luster is a typical “hand” flower. First, the prominent portrait of the “Hometown” in the juvenile soil is a “hero, holding a steel fork” little hero, handsome and lovely, but the middle-aged soil is a suffer
[Objective] The paper was to prove the feasibility of using visible implant elastomer( VIE) tags to mark Chinese shrimp of about 1 cm in length.[Method]In June
初三物理有电话的内容,过去对于电话机的构造和原理总是从抽象的理论上讲解,学生感到难以理解,我设计了如下的一个简单实验,效果较好。 1.实验装置 (1)玻璃漏斗一只;(2)毫安
<正> 在几何光学的学习过程中,学到双凸透镜是会聚透镜(正透镜)时,学生往往极易忽略这样一个重要的事实——双凸透镜是置于空气中的,透镜的会聚和发散性质,不能单看透镜的形
We examined spatially clustered distribution of jumbo flying squid(Dosidicus gigas) in the offshore waters of Peru bounded by 78?–86?W and 8?–20?S under 0.5?