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“国家优秀自费留学生奖学金”从2003年设立并试点评选至2004年,进行了两届,共有299名优秀自费留学生获奖。该奖项已经成为祖国关爱自费留学生的知名品牌,受到国内外权威媒体和有关人士的关注和广泛赞誉。广大自费留学生是国家宝贵的人才资源,为了进一步加大对获奖自费生的宣传,加强在外自费留学人员与本刊的联系,本刊从2006年第1期开始,用一定的篇幅,定期向广大读者介绍部分获奖者。 The “Outstanding Student Scholarship for Independent Foreign Students” was established and pilot-selected from 2003 to 2004 with two outstanding awards. A total of 299 outstanding students at their own expense won the award. The award has become a well-known brand of self-financed overseas students in the motherland and has received the attention and wide acclaim of domestic and foreign authoritative media and people concerned. In order to further increase the publicity of the award-winning self-financed students and to strengthen the connection between the overseas students who study abroad and our own, the publication starts from the first issue of 2006 with a certain amount of space, Readers introduce some of the winners.
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