
来源 :国外医学.神经病学神经外科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong566
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作者从14个非癫癎患者中获得的额叶或颞叶皮质的单纯活检标本,和从难于治疗的病灶性癫癎经受手术切除皮质组织的35个病人中,获得的54个癫癎源性病灶,测定了氨基酸的含量.癫癎患者的癫癎源性病灶标本和对照者的皮质标本,都是从大脑切除后在10-30秒钟内就浸泡在液氮中(-196℃),保证了在活检中测定的氨基酸含量,尽可能接近活体组织.切除的癫癎源性病灶的患者,通过临床和多数x线图象的改善,表明手术切除的皮质区,确实是癫癎性病灶.氨基酸的分析是利用Technicon型自动氨基酸分析仪来鉴别和测定游离氨基酸及有关化合物.从癫癎患者切除的51癫癎源性病灶中,发现氨基酸及其有关化合物的含量无显著异常,14个对照者活检,10来源于额叶皮质,癫癎病灶活检,42个来源于颞叶皮质,尽管癫癎源性病灶颞叶皮质占多数,然而作者观察到:在对照个体中,额叶和颞叶 The authors obtained single biopsy specimens of the frontal or temporal cortex from 14 non-epileptic patients and 54 epilepsy derived from 35 patients who underwent surgical excision of cortical tissue from refractoryly treated focal epilepsy Amino acid content was determined in patients with epilepsy.Results Epilepsy patients with epileptogenic lesions and controls were cortical specimens immersed in liquid nitrogen (-196 ℃) within 10-30 seconds after excision of the brain, Ensures that the amino acid content determined during biopsy is as close as possible to the living tissue.Analysed patients with epileptogenic lesions have shown clinically and most x-ray images that the surgically removed cortical area is indeed an epileptic lesion .Amino acid analysis is the use of Technicon automatic amino acid analyzer to identify and determine free amino acids and related compounds from epileptic patients excised 51 epileptic lesions, found that amino acids and related compounds were found no significant abnormalities, 14 Control subjects were biopsied 10 from the frontal cortex and epileptic lesion biopsy and 42 from the temporal cortex. Although the temporal lobe cortex accounted for the majority of the epileptic lesions, the authors observed that in the control subjects, the frontal and temporal leaf
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用激素治疗急性呼吸道阻塞尚有争论。试验采用双盲对照法,并用一些客观指标观察单次大剂量投用甲基强的松龙(MSSP)的优点.在急诊情况下,已证实接受30mg/kg MSSP 的急性支气