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2011地理课程标准的课程基本理念中,要求构建开放的地理课程,重视校内外课程资源的开发利用。今天日新月异的多媒体技术将电影带到了我们的生活中。国内外各大影片情节都在一定的自然地理环境或地理人文环境的背景中开展,学生在潜移默化中就已经受到电影中地理元素的影响了。电影由于其特殊性,能极大提高学生的兴趣,尤其是时下火热的电影系列,更是可以贴合学生的生活。在地理课堂上将电影有效融合的教学方式,可以将传统教学模式由静态 2011 Geography Curriculum standard basic concepts in the curriculum, requires the construction of an open geography curriculum, focusing on the development and utilization of the school curriculum resources. Today’s ever-changing multimedia technology brings movies to our lives. Major domestic and international film plot in a certain degree of natural geographical environment or geographical and cultural environment in the background, the students in the subtle influence of the geographical elements in the movie has been affected. Because of its particularity, the movie can greatly enhance the students ’interest. In particular, the hot film series nowadays is more suitable for students’ life. In geography classroom movie will effectively blend the teaching methods, the traditional teaching mode can be static
Whether inhibiting the activity of nuclear factor(NF)-κB potentiates cisplatin-induced apoptosis in non-small cell lung cell line A549 cells was investigated.T
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。来自未来@王慧 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile. From the future @
中国正处于社会经济全面高速发展阶段,21 世纪仍将面临不同程度的自然灾害及人为事故的影响。虽然,在1999 年即联合国“国际减灾十年”的最后一年召开了日内瓦“世界减灾大会”,并通过
大家好,我是本栏目DJ 。近来有诗词爱好者来信询问,究竟什么样的诗才能让我青睐。其实我很想告诉大家,写诗并不是为了迎合他人口味,因为你抒写的是自己的情怀,是用艺术的手法
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我睁大眼睛想捉住这美丽的一景微风却将它吹散我的目光没有动动的只是水中的倒影倒影$重庆垫江中学@李琦 I opened my eyes to catch this beautiful scene breeze but it b
Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungi have been credited with improving the groWth and mineral nutrition of many host plants but these effects are modera
The coexistence of myelolipoma within adrenal cortical adenoma is extremely rare,for both tumors present usually as separate entities.There are only 16 such cas