把握机遇 跃上新台阶

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2004年,我们满怀豪情,充满信心。我们将以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,认真贯彻落实党的十六大和十六届三中全会精神,牢牢把握世纪之初的重大战略机遇期,扎实推进广西司法行政工作跃上新台阶 在全面推进各项工作的同时,加速监狱劳教所布局调整进程,实现今年基本完成全区监所布局调整目标;深入探索普法依法治理新形式,力争40%的村达到“民主法治示范村”要求;继续抓好公职、公司律师试点,下半年全面推行;加大法律援助工作力度,年内援助覆盖面明显扩大;以举办中国——东盟博览会为契机,进一步拓展和规范法律服务业;加强基层司法所建设,今年内实现全区司法所建设规范化;积极探索、总结新时期人民调解工作的规律、工作途径和机制,努力把各类矛盾纠纷化解在 In 2004, we were full of pride and confidence. Under the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of Three Represents, we will conscientiously implement the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the Third Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee, firmly grasp the important strategic opportunities as early as the beginning of this century, and steadfastly push forward judicial and administrative work in Guangxi Step up to a new stage While comprehensively promoting all aspects of work, speed up the process of the adjustment of prisons’ re-education and labor camp layout and achieve the goal of basically completing the layout of the district’s prison layout this year. Explore the new form of governing popularization according to law and strive to achieve “Democracy and Rule of Law Demonstrative villages ”; continue to do a good job in public service and company lawyers in pilot projects, and implement them in the second half of the year in a full-scale manner; intensify legal aid efforts and significantly expand aid coverage during the year; take the opportunity of organizing the China-ASEAN Expo as an opportunity to further expand and standardize the legal services industry; We will intensify the building of grass-roots judicial departments and standardize the construction of judicial departments throughout the region this year. We should also actively explore and summarize the laws, work channels and mechanisms for people’s mediation in the new era and strive to resolve all kinds of contradictions and disputes
<正> 由中国哲学史学会,山东省社会科学联合会、山东省出版总社联合主办的“中国哲学与中华民族精神”学术讨论会,于1991年8月26日至31日在山东烟台举行。来自全国各地的80多位专家,学者和
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俄罗斯预算法典于1998年7月17日由俄国家杜马通过 ,当日又获俄联邦会议通过。俄总统叶利钦于1998年7月31日签发了预算法典。该法典已于2000年1月1日开始生效。俄罗斯制定并颁布预算法典 ,一是因为
司法部日前出台了《律师事务所收费程序规则》,对律师事务所的收费行为进行了规范。 规则要求,律师不得私自向委托人收取任何费用,律师服务费由律师事务所统一收取。律师事