
来源 :温州师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ag128333
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温州第一次沦陷(1941.4.19—5.1)是在抗日战争进入相持阶段后,日本帝国主义陷入中国战场难以自拔,企图掠夺中国的战略物资,摆脱“南进”的困境,而国民党顽固派掀起二次反共高潮的大背景下发生的。日寇占据温州前后14天,烧杀抢掠,无所不为,给温州人民带来了深重的灾难。温州第一次沦陷,具有以下的特点:(1)日寇占据时间虽短,但工商经济损失惨重;(2)国民党驻温虽有防军,但实不设防;(3)未曾出现一支公开的抗日队伍;(4)专署所谓的“辑奸除暴”,实则饰己过而迁怒于民;(5)残酷的现实促使温州人民觉醒。 The First Fall of Wenzhou (1941.4.19-5.1) After the Anti-Japanese War entered the phase of stalemate, the Japanese imperialists got into trouble on the Chinese battlefield in an attempt to plunder China’s strategic supplies and get rid of the predicament of “southward advancement,” while the KMT was stubborn Faction set off against the background of the second anti-communal climax. The Japanese occupied around 14 days in Wenzhou, burning and killing and looting and omnipotence, bringing deep disaster to the people of Wenzhou. The fall of Wenzhou for the first time possessed the following characteristics: (1) Although the occupying time of the Japanese invaders was short, the industrial and commercial economy suffered heavy losses; (2) although the Kuomintang troops were stationed in Wen, there were no defenses; (3) The open anti-Japanese contingent; (4) the agency’s so-called “rape and rape”, but in fact they have already infuriated the people; (5) The brutal reality prompted the awakening of Wenzhou people.
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