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目的分析新疆伊宁市法定报告传染病的流行规律,为制定全市传染病防控策略提供依据。方法采用描述流行病学方法分析伊宁市法定传染病疫情资料,并用Spss 22.0和Excel 2007软件进行数据处理。结果 2005—2015年伊宁市累计报告乙、丙类传染病23种49 562例,年均发病率1 007.70/10万,不同年度差异无统计学意义(趋势χ~2=3.66,P>0.01);年均发病率位居前五位的病种分别为病毒性肝炎、肺结核病、其他感染性腹泻、流行性腮腺炎和痢疾;男性发病明显高于女性,男女性别比为1.54∶1;以14岁及以下儿童为主,占发病总数的37.55%;散居儿童和家务及待业为主,分别占总数的20.80%和20.40%;6—7月发病数较多,报告11 085例、占发病总数的22.37%,2月发病数最低(3 063例)占6.18%;城区发病明显高于农村,构成比分别为70.37%和27.71%,差异有统计学意义(χ~2=7.41,P<0.01);血源及性传播传染病占比较大,占发病总数的36.01%。结论 2005—2015年伊宁市法定传染病发病率总体平稳,血源及性传播传染病、呼吸道传染病和自然疫源性传染病呈波浪式上升趋势,肠道传染病呈下降趋势,今后应加强以肺结核病、流行性腮腺炎为主的呼吸道传染病的防控,同时加强对托幼机构查验接种证和晨午检、医疗机构传染病预检分诊制度、传染病诊断与报告标准的管理,加大防病宣传力度,提高群众的防病意识水平。 Objective To analyze the epidemic law of legal notifiable infectious diseases in Yining City, Xinjiang and provide the basis for the prevention and control of infectious diseases in the city. Methods Descriptive epidemiological methods were used to analyze the epidemiological data of notifiable infectious diseases in Yining, and the data were processed using Spss 22.0 and Excel 2007 software. Results A total of 49 562 cases of type B and C infectious diseases were reported in Yining City from 2005 to 2015, with an average annual incidence of 1,007.70 / 100,000. There was no significant difference in different years (trend χ ~ 2 = 3.66, P> 0.01 ). The top 5 diseases with annual average incidence were viral hepatitis, tuberculosis, other infectious diarrhea, mumps and dysentery respectively. The incidence of male was significantly higher than that of female, with the gender ratio of 1.54:1. Mainly children aged 14 and below, accounting for 37.55% of the total number of cases; scattered children and domestic and unemployed mainly accounted for 20.80% and 20.40% of the total, respectively; and the number of cases from June to July was relatively high with 11,085 cases reported The incidence was 22.37% in the urban area and 21.7% in the urban area, and the difference was statistically significant (χ ~ 2 = 7.41, P <0.01). Blood and sexually transmitted diseases accounted for 36.01% of the total. Conclusions The incidence of notifiable infectious diseases in Yining City was generally stable from 2005 to 2015. The blood-borne and sexually transmitted diseases, respiratory infectious diseases and natural epidemic-related infectious diseases showed a wave-like upward trend. The incidence of intestinal infectious diseases was on a downward trend. In the future, Strengthen the prevention and control of respiratory infectious diseases mainly including pulmonary tuberculosis and mumps. At the same time, it should strengthen the examination and verification of vaccination certificates and morning lunches for nurseries and childbirth, the pre-examination and triage system for infectious diseases in medical institutions, the diagnostic and reporting standards for infectious diseases Management, increase disease prevention publicity, improve people’s awareness of disease prevention.
目的 回顾性评估支撑钢板治疗后侧pilon骨折的临床疗效. 方法 2005年1月-2009年12月,通过支撑钢板治疗16例后侧pilon骨折,其中男11例,女5例;平均年龄37.6岁(23~62岁).患者术前均行X线片、CT及三维重建检查.根据CT显示的骨折线累及范围选用后外侧入路或联合入路(后内侧加后外侧)复位固定后踝骨块.术后通过临床检查及X线片随访,临床评估采用美国足踝外科协会(AOFAS)
目的 探讨间充质干细胞(MSCS)移植对大鼠脊髓损伤后脑源性神经营养因子(BDNF)表达的影响.方法 选取SD大鼠4只作骨髓间充质细胞的分离与培养,提取MSCS;制做脊髓横断损伤模型,
目的 总结和探讨肝胆管结石症合并肝硬化门脉高压的临床特点和处理方法.方法 报告32例胆石症并胆汁性肝硬化门静脉高压症的外科手术治疗情况.结果 本组病例治愈27例,死亡5例,