1 1935年秋,杨靖宇率领的抗联—军部队连续在通化、桓仁一带攻克一些敌伪据点,随后又转移到辑安(今吉林省集安市)袭击日军巡道车,吓得敌人闻风丧胆。驻辑安的日本守备队顾问小樾,为了稳定局势,亲自带兵四处寻找抗联部队,妄图在辑安一举消灭这支抗联队伍。 一天下干,杨司令带领十几个抗联战士来到了马蹄沟南山,打算夜里袭击韭菜园子(今财源村)伪警察所,此消息被汉奸密告。小樾得知后,认为时机已到,马上调动日本守备队和一些伪警察,把马蹄沟南山团团围住,要活捉杨靖
In the autumn of 1935, the anti-UN forces led by Yang Jingyu continuously captured some enemy and fake strongholds in Tonghua and Huanren areas before moving to Ji’an (Ji’an, Jilin Province today) to attack the Japanese military vehicles, scaring the enemy with trepidation. In order to stabilize the situation, Nippon Gai, a consultant for Japanese security garrison in Tokyo, personally led troops looking for the anti-UN force in an attempt to annihilate this anti-rifle team in a row. One day, Yang commander led a dozen anti-UN soldiers arrived in the Nishiyama Horseshoe Valley, intends to attack the night leek Garden (now Caiyuancun) pseudo-police station, the news was traced the traitor. After I got it, I thought the time had come to immediately mobilize the Japanese garrison and some fake police officers to surround the Namsang Mountain in the Mudougou to capture Yang Jing