话题7 个人情感(Emotions)

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  1. show respect to sb. 尊敬某人
  2. express one’s gratitude to sb. 向某人表达谢意
  3. open up to them 向他们敞开胸怀
  4. be grateful to sb. for sth.因某事感激某人
  5. complain about/of sb.抱怨某人
  6. show love and concern for sb. 爱护和关心某人
  7. be polite to sb.对某人有礼貌
  8. promote the friendship 增进友谊
  9. improve the relationship改善关系
  10. learn from each other互相学习
  11. suffer from pressure遭遇压力
  12. show no interest in对……不感兴趣
  13. involve in使参与(陷入,牵扯到); 涉及,卷入
  14. deal with the association between... and...处理……与……之间的关系
  15. make an appointment with sb. 与……定下约会
  1. I’m writing to you on behalf of my mother,to express her thanks for your gift.我仅代表我妈妈置信给你,向你表达感谢。
  2. All of the article should cover the topic concerning the early love. 所有文章应该涵盖有关早恋的话题。
  3. Tea is considered to be the usual drink in Britain.在英国,茶被视为一种习惯性的饮料。
  4. We’ll appreciate it if you’d like to offer help to us.如能提供帮助,我们将不胜感激。
  5. Couldn’t you find yourself involved in an unnecessary quarrel?你没发现自己卷入了一场不必要的争吵吗?
  Some people think that pressure may help us,of course,it may do harm to us too. The author believe that too much pressure is very harmful to the students. Besides,appropriate pressure is accept.
  I think studying under a little pressure is really motivated to us,and if too much pressure,we can’t put up with them. I have ever suffered too much pressure on my study. I will be angry easy and show no interest to anything. My parents usually don’t force me to get impossible high marks. They always encourage me to make my great efforts to do some valuable things.
  In my opinion,studying under too many pressure is quite harmful for our health. It will affect to not only our health,but also our mood. So,we should learn to relax ourselves at times.
  1. 邀请函事由与目的。
  2. 座涉及的内容。
  3. 约定时间,讲座具体地点。
  4. 联系方式。
  注意:1. 词数100左右。
  2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
  3. 开头和结尾已给出。
  Dear Mr. Smith,
  How are you doing?
  We are looking forward to your prompt reply.
  Li Hua
  1. 审文体:写一封邀请函,是应用文体。信的格式已给出,但是要留意写信的礼貌性用语或句型。如I’m writing to you on behalf of...,We’ll appreciate it if you’d like to...,would you please...? would you like to...?等等。   2. 审时态:一般时态 将来时态。
  3. 审人称:以第一和第二人称为主。
  4. 审要点:认真看好邀请信的内容要求,力求信息点完整。
  1. 结构就是你打算分几段写(一般3段式),每段都写什么?段落如何进行有效链接,心里都要有谱。(小组合作)
  2. 关键词:结构拟定后,迅速在草稿纸上写下自己这篇作文可能用到的一些关键词。包括一些漂亮的词和自己可能会忘记的词。主要是动词和名词。(小组合作)
  3. 可能用到的句型、句式:可以用上哪些强调句,倒装句,复合句,被动句。(小组展示)
  1. 递进: then,besides,furthermore,moreover,in addition,what’s more,apart from等。
  2. 转折: however,but,although,though,yet,on the contrary,despite,in spite of,whereas,while,otherwise等。
  3. 总结: finally,at last,in brief,in short,in summary,in conclusion,in a word,to sum up,to summarize,all in all等。
  4. 强调: indeed,certainly,surely,above all等。
  5. 对比: in the same way,similarly,just as,unlike,different from等。
  6. 因果: because (of),as a result of,owing to,thanks to,result from,lie in,consequently,therefore,hence,thus,for this reason,as a result,result in,lead to等。
  假定你是李华,正在一所美国学校学习,在学校学习生活中遇到了一些个人的情感困惑: 早恋。你希望写信给一位美国心理专家,希望得到他/她的帮助。你根据需要进行书面预约,请按下列要点写一封信:
  1. 本人简介。
  2. 求助内容。
  3. 约定时间。
  4. 你的联系方式(phone:12345678)。
  注意: 1. 词数100左右。
  2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
  3. 开头和结尾已给出。
  Dear Sir/Madam,
  Look forward to your reply.
  Li Hua
  1. believe →believes 改后才主谓一致。
  2. accept→acceptable 在be后面作表语要用形容词。
  3. and→but 前后是转折关系。
  4. them→it 指代pressure。
  5. suffer后增加from 因suffer from表示“遭遇”。
  6. easy→easily 副词修饰形容词。
  7. to→in 词组:show no interest in表示“对……不感兴趣”。
  8. many→much 修饰不可数名词pressure。
  9. for→ to 由be harmful to(对……有害)可知。
  10. 去掉affect后的to 因动词affect是及物动词,后面直接接宾语。
  Dear Mr. Smith,
  How are you doing?
  I’m writing to you on behalf of our school to invite you sincerely to have a speech. Hopefully,your speech will successfully benefit our students who are suffering from pressure. We hope your speech will cover the topic concerning“how to face the pressure bravely”,which is considered to be the best way to help students out of the pressure.
  We actually hope that the speech will be held in our school lecture hall on December 8th,in 2015. Would you like to accept our invitation? On your arrival,we’ll wait for you at the school gate,and for your convenience,you can approach us by telephone No.1234567. We’ll appreciate it if you’d like to come for the speech.
  We are looking forward to your prompt reply.
  Li Hua
  Dear Sir/Madam,
  I’m Li Hua,a Chinese student taking courses in an American university,I’m writing to ask for your help.
  While studying in the university,I find myself involved in the trouble of early love,which even makes me fail to concentrate myself on study. However,I have no idea of how to deal with the association between boys and girls properly. Fortunately,I was informed that you,an expert in psychologist can provide help for students and I’m eager to get your kind help. By the way,I have no class on Monday mornings and Friday afternoons. So I sincerely hope that you can make an appointment with me if it is convenient for you. Hopefully,you can call me at 12345678.
  Look forward to your reply.
  Li Hua
  责任编辑 蒋小青
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