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刘备“三顾茅庐”,终于请得诸葛亮出山辅佐,“三顾频烦天下计,两朝开济老臣心”,史家誉为这是导致汉末中国鼎足三分的理想格局。对此,诸葛亮一席“隆中对”,千百年来成为运筹帷幄的最佳模式。刘备为什么要“三顾茅庐”,通常都是遵循陈寿的“诸葛亮本传”所说,是司马徽、徐庶的称颂,“诸葛孔明者,卧龙也”,“识时务者在乎俊杰,此间自有伏龙、凤雏。”近年又有一种见解,认为诸葛亮因是汉沔地主集团代表,通过他,流亡军阀刘备才获取了最初可靠的政治资本——以庞德公为首的汉沔地主集团的支持,才初步地建立了蜀汉的武装,并进而建立了蜀汉政权(赵俪生:《史学新探》)。平心而论,此两说均不无道理。但是,都欠完善,它都以诸葛亮为主体,而以刘备为受体、将其放在次要位置上。其实,要弄清“三顾”主因,还得认明刘备真正的动机。没有刘备这种出格的超越行为,诸葛亮是不会出来的。“三顾”很大的一个因素是刘备的一种权术、一种在长期实践生活圈获得的认同,即要依靠知识分子,可是有才华、实学的知识分子不愿与骄蛮的纠纠武夫合作,为此名望很大的刘皇叔一改常态,屈顾比他年轻二十岁的山野村夫诸葛亮,有意示范于众,为的是改变自己的形像,把自己扮成求贤若渴、礼遇下士的角色。 Liu Bei, “looking after the fledgling cottage,” finally invited Zhuge Liang out of the mountain, “three frequently trouble the world plan, the two Koreas Kai Chi heart”, historians hailed as this is the result of the third quarter of Han dynasty ideal pattern. In this regard, Zhuge Liang, “Long on the right,” for thousands of years to become the best strategy. Liu Bei why “look around”, usually follow Chen Shou’s “Zhuge Liang Ben Chuan” said, is the Sima Hui, Xu Shu’s tribute, “Zhuge Kongming, Wolong also”, “awareness of those who care Junjie, here voluntarily volt Dragon and Phoenix Chicks. ”In recent years, there is also a view that Zhuge Liang, as a representative of the Hanzhu landowner group, obtained the initial and reliable political capital through him - Liu Wencai, an exiled warlord, supported by Hanzhu Landlord Group headed by Pound The initial establishment of the armed Shu Han, and then established the Shu Han regime (Zhao Lisheng: “a new approach to history”). In all fairness, these two are not unreasonable. However, they are imperfect. They all take Zhuge Liang as the main body, and Liu Bei as the acceptor, placing them in a secondary position. In fact, to find out the main reason for “taking conscientious and conscientious” into consideration, we must recognize Liu Bei’s real motive. No special surpassing behavior of Liu Bei, Zhuge Liang will not come out. A big factor in “taking a look into and taking care of them” is a kind of power of Liu Bei, a recognition obtained in the long-term practice life circle, that is, to rely on intellectuals. However, talented and knowledgeable intellectuals are unwilling to cooperate with arrogant and correct To this end, Liu Wong-tung, a big-name prerogative, has changed his normality and admired Zhuge Liang, a mountain village husband young than his 20 years old, in an attempt to demonstrate his image in order to change himself, Courtesy Corporal role.