变革思维方式 做好信访工作

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当前,我军信访工作随着国家《信访条例》和《军队信访管理规定》的颁布实施,向法制化、规范化道路迈出了可喜的一步,但还存在不少问题。一是领导层对信访工作的重大作用还没有形成共识。有的领导把信访工作看成是无关紧要的事,导致工作指导和力量使用排不上号,兼职信访干部基本上没有精力做信访工作,使许多问题不能得到及时处理。二是业务部门和信访干部对信访工作不够主动。一些业务部门片面认为,信访工作是秘书部门的事,因而对交办的信访事项不积极办理,互相推诿; At present, with the promulgation and implementation of the “Regulations on the Handling of Letters and Visits by the State” and the “Regulations on the Administration of Letters and Visits by the People’s Republic of China,” our army’s petition work has made a gratifying move toward the legalization and standardization. However, there are still many problems. First, there is no consensus reached by the leadership on the major role of petition work. Some leaders regard the petition as an insignificant task, which leads to the lack of work guidance and use of power. Part-time petitions cadres basically do not have the energy to do petitions so that many problems can not be dealt with promptly. Second, business departments and letters and visits cadres are not active enough in letters and visits. Some business departments, one-sidedly, believe that petition work is a matter for the secretarial department. Therefore, petitions handled by the petitioners are not actively handled and promoted each other.
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企业基层组织是企业的细胞当前,企业细胞最迫切需要的是注入市场基因 The basic organization of the enterprise is the cell of the enterprise. The most urgent need of
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