
来源 :江西政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zjwx2008
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江西人民武装建设工作的开展,初期是各地随着群众运动的发展和工作的需要,在各级党委、政府的领导下,自己建立起来一些民兵组织,这些民兵组织在各种斗争中(减租、退押、剿匪、护仓、护路、维持治安)起了一定的作用。但是由于没有统一的系统组织和领导明确的发展方针,因此初期的民兵发展不够普遍,成份不够纯洁,个别地区民兵的领导权,被敌人所窃取。另外.民兵也缺乏政治教育,觉悟不高,纪律不够严明,所以起的作用不大。去年八月,中共江西省委提出了在土地改革中建设民兵的任务以后,江西的民兵建设才走上了一个新的阶段。一半来在上级的正确领导下,使民兵工作在思想上、组织上、工作方式方法上都有了明确的方向;加以各级党委、政府、军队、群众团体给予配合领导和大力支持,各级人民武装部的干部埋头苦干,结合群众运动的深入,使我们的民兵建设获得了新的发展。主要成绩表现如下几点:(1)去年十二月江西军区建立了人民武装处,紧接着分区、县、区各级人民武装组织也普遍的建立起来。各级党、政、军、民的领导机关都认真负责的抽调了一批干部充实了各级人民武装领导机构,加强了对各级人民武装组织的领导,并协助解决了许多工作中的困难。为了健全各级组 In the initial stage of the armed construction of the people in Jiangxi, under the leadership of the party committees and governments at all levels, various militia groups were established by themselves in the various struggles , Retaliation, suppression of bandits, protecting warehouses, protecting roads and maintaining law and order) played a certain role. However, since there is no unified system for organizing and leading a clear development guideline, the initial militia development was not universal enough and the ingredients were not pure enough. The leadership of the militia in some areas was stolen by the enemy. In addition, the militia also lacks political education, its awareness is not high, its discipline is not strict enough, and so its role is not significant. Last August, following the task of building a militia in the land reform, the CPC Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee proposed that the militia building in Jiangxi take a new stage. Under the correct leadership of their superiors, half of them gave the militia a clear direction on the ideological, organizational and working methods and methods. The party committees, governments, armed forces and mass organizations at all levels have given cooperation and leadership and strong support at all levels The cadres of the people's armed forces department are working hard and, with the deepening of the mass movement, make new progress in the building of our militia. The main achievements are as follows: (1) In December last year, the People's Armed Forces was established in the Jiangxi Military Region, followed by the popular establishment of people's armed organizations at all levels in districts, counties and districts. The leading organs of the Party, government, army and people at all levels have conscientiously and responsibly drawn down a batch of cadres to enrich the armed forces leading bodies at all levels, strengthened their leadership over the people's armed organizations at all levels and helped to solve many difficulties in their work . In order to improve all levels
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