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1989年8月,黄岛油库大火曾使这里名闻遐迩。 谁都没有想到,1995年10月的一把大火,再次把国人的视点聚焦于此。 去年10月15日,青岛世原鞋业有限公司发生特大火灾。烧毁厂房建筑1万多平方米以及大量生产设备、原料和旅游鞋半成品等,经济损失达2785.9万元,创1995年中国火灾损失之最。 一 青岛世原鞋业有限公司其实位于胶州市区西南30公里处的张应镇,系韩国独资企业,厂区占地面积7.9万平方米,总投资1.02亿元,主要生产耐克、阿迪达斯、阿希克斯、菲拉等世界名牌旅游鞋。由此可见,世原公司是一家堂堂正正的大牌公司,而不是那种小打小闹、仁核桃俩枣式的手工作坊;由此也可想像,世原公司与当地政府乃至民间该当是一种和谐融洽的宾主关系,它在当地受到了相当程度上的优惠和礼遇——起码表面上如此。 August 1989, Huangdao depot fire has made famous here far and wide. No one ever imagined that a big fire broke out in October 1995, again focusing on people’s point of view here. Last year on October 15, Qingdao Shiyuan Shoes Co., Ltd., an extra-large fire. Burned 10,000 square meters of plant construction and mass production of equipment, raw materials and shoes, semi-finished products, etc., the economic losses of 27.859 million yuan, the highest in China in 1995, the loss of fire. A Qingdao Shiyuan Shoes Co., Ltd. is actually located in Jiaozhou City, 30 km southwest of the town of Zhang Ying, a Korean-owned enterprises, the factory covers an area of ​​79,000 square meters, a total investment of 102 million yuan, the main production Nike, Adidas, Ach Fox, Fira and other world famous brand shoes. This shows that the original company is a generous big-name companies, rather than the kind of slapstick, walnuts two jujube-style hand-workshop; It can also be imagined, the original company and the local government and even the private sector should be a Harmonious host-client relationship, where it received a considerable degree of preferential treatment and courtesy - at least ostensibly.
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