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水对人类的作用是众所皆知的。所以近些年来,“饮水大战”可以说是一波未平,一波又起。过滤水、纯净水、太空水、离子水层出不穷,讨论水的文章更是多次见诸报端。现在,又有一种水横空出世,它的名字叫“团粒结构水”。 团粒结构水出现的同时伴随着一套特有的“水理论”。 人从出生到发育,人体内的大部分水都是团粒水。普通的水分子是H_2O,但是水在人体内并不是以单一的水分子形式存在,大多是由几个到几十个水分子构成,而团粒水则是由6个分子组成的有规律水团,并构成紧凑的几何形。这个特殊的六角形状、使它 The effect of water on human beings is well known. Therefore, in recent years, “Drinking Water Campaign” can be said to be an endless stream of ups and downs. Filtration of water, pure water, space water, an endless stream of water, the article discusses the water is often seen in newspapers. Now, another kind of water turned out to be born, its name is “aggregate water structure.” The presence of aggregate water appears alongside a unique set of “water theories.” From birth to development, most of the body’s water is pellet water. Ordinary water molecules are H 2 O, but water does not exist as a single water molecule in the human body, most of them are composed of several to several dozen water molecules, while the pellet water is a regular water mass composed of six molecules , And constitute a compact geometry. This special hexagon shape makes it
general equation of electron-wave synchronous interaction is obtained in gyrotron oscillator,in which the effects of guiding center drift and phase of RF field
摘要:在当下竞争愈发激烈的社会中,高中日益成为人生的一个至关重要的转折点。而高中生的职业规划不仅对于其文理科的抉择以及高考的志愿填报有引导的作用,还会影响其未来的职业决策以及生活幸福感,最终甚至还会推动其人生目标的实现进程。因此,本文针对国内外高中生职业规划研究现状,国内就业现状以及高中生自身发展等方面来进行论述高中生职业规划的必要性。  关键词:高中生;职业规划  职业作为个体赖以生存的基础及保