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家里喂养的两条草狗。一条大狗,另一条是小狗,它们俩是母子关系。我之所以称之为草狗,那是我在上班路上捡回来的一条被别人遗弃的流浪狗,确切地说是两条,可不是什么名犬。当时,我看它们很可怜。它们跟我走了几步,我驻足回头,发现它们两个一直跟着我走,我的怜悯之心被这两个小动物激发了,也就带着它们直接回家来了。我在大门洞里搭了一个狗窝,算是决定收养它们了。它们的到来,确实给家里带来了不平静。先是为了狗食的争抢,经常撕打 Two grass dogs feeding at home. One big dog, the other is a dog, both of them are mother-child relationship. The reason why I call it a grass dog is that it was a stray dog ​​abandoned by others whom I picked up on my way to work. To be exact, it was two dogs, not a famous dog. At that time, I think they are pitiful. They walked with me a few steps, I stopped looking back and found that the two of them followed me, my heart of compassion was inspired by the two little animals, and they came home with them directly. I took a kennel in the main entrance and decided to adopt them. The arrival of them really did bring home no peace. First fight for dog food, often tearing
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