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   第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
  例:How much is the shirt?
   A. £19.5 B. £9.15 C. £9.18
  1. What’s the probable relationship between the speakers?
  A. Doctor and patient.
  B. Husband and wife.
  C. Mother and son.
  2. What do we learn from the conversation?
  A. It was difficult to find a parking spot.
  B. The woman was very angry at the man’s late arrival.
  C. The man apologized for doing something wrong.
  3. How many students did the man believe had taken the exam?
  A. Fifty students.
  B. Forty students.
  C. Twenty-five students.
  4. Why did the woman make a call?
  A. To borrow some records.
  B. To select some music to dance to.
  C. To pass on some information of the party.
  5. What are the speakers talking about?
  A. Record.
  B. Some singers.
  C. A live concert.
  6. What’s the relationship between the man and the woman?
  A. Brother and sister.
  B. Old friends.
  C. Classmates.
  7. How old probably are they?
  A. In their teens.
  B. In their twenties.
  C. In their thirties.
  8. How does the woman know that the Eastern Palace is a good Chinese restaurant?
  A. She has been there several times.
  B. She has tried it once.
  C. She has been told about it.
  9. When will they most likely meet?
  A. 7:00.B. 7:15.C. 6:45.
  10. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?
  A. A manager and an interviewee.
  B. A boss and his secretary.
  C. An ad designer and his customer.
  11. Which is TRUE of Ms Brown?
  A. She has just graduated from a secretary school.
  B. She posted the ad in a newspaper.
  C. She can do a lot of things besides driving.
  12. What was the result of the interview?
  A. Ms Brown was given the position.
  B. Ms Brown was refused.
  C. Ms Brown was likely to be given the position.
  13. Where does this conversation take place?
  A. In a restaurant.
  B. In a hospital.
  C. At the office.
  14. The woman gets a pain in stomach______.
  A. about an hour after she has eaten
  B. about an hour before she has eaten
  C. just when she begins to eat
  15. When does the doctor tell the woman to take the medicine?
  A. Before the meal.
  B. After the meal.
  C. At three o’clock in the afternoon.
  16. What can you conclude about the woman’s husband from this conversation?
  A. He eats very quickly.
  B. He doesn’t eat as quickly as his wife.
  C. He sometimes eats more slowly than his wife.
  17. What is the man mainly talking about?
  A. Way of living.
  B. Healthy living.
  C. Importance of nutrition.
  18. What does Dr Graham say about vitamins?
  A. He warns us not to take any of them.
  B. Artificially produced vitamins are as good as the vitamins we get from our foods.
  C. Vitamins we get from our foods are more nutritious.
  19. What is most important in keeping healthy, according to Dr Graham?
  A. Having a nutritious diet.
  B. Taking exercise every day.
  C. Keeping away from smoking and drinking.
  20. Which of the following is NOT true according to Dr Graham?
  A. Taking time every day to do something you enjoy is good for your health.
  B. A nutritious diet doesn’t mean giving up the foods you love.
  C. The vitamins we get from our normal foods are as nutritious as artificially produced vitamins.
  第一节:多项选择 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
  例:To make members of a team perform better, the trainer first of all has to know their _________ and weakness.
   A. strengths B. benefits
   C. techniques D. values
  21. The content of the book will be enriched in the next _________ so as to make it more useful.
   A. editor B. edition
   C. issue D. publication
  22. You will have to be _________ about giving your address to strangers when at chartroom.
  A. conscious B. cautious
   C. concentrated D. constant
  23. _________ with facts and figures, customers
  are better able to deal with the often powerful
   A. Armed B. Prepared
   C. Satisfied D. Connected
  24. As time goes on, the sun has _________ our curtains.
   A. faded B. lost
   C. darkened D. transformed
  25. The courts have been asked to _____ a more flexible approach to young offenders.
   A. adapt B. adjust
   C. adopt D. addict
  26. Unfortunately, he was on the point of going out when I went to see him , so we only had time to talk _____.
   A. in detail B. in a row
   C. in other words D. in brief
  27. The magazine is intended to _________ working women in their 20s ad 30s.
   A. apply to B. admit to
   C. appeal to D. attend to
  28. It is the prevention of disease _________ the successful treatment that has led to the rapid increase of the world’s population.
   A. more than B. better than
   C. other than D. rather than
  29. Swimmers must be very strong in order to build up speed because of the high resistance of the water. Runners, _________ , must struggle against the heavy resistance of the air and ground.
   A. generally B. similarly
   C. naturally D. merely
  30. Instead, the editors of the book _____ the records and keep track of them in other ways.
   A. set down B. break down
   C. bring down D. close dow
  第二节: 完成句子 ( 共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分 )
  31. ___________ (虽然这个记录得人们留下了深刻的印象 ) , it fades next to the story of Armstrong’s struggle against disease.( impressive, as )
  32. This was the moment_________(Spielberg的事业取得巨大成功 ).( take )
  33. There are many things we ________ (需要考虑) before we buy an expensive product. (consideration )
  34. The data suggests that__________(他们的共同之处)is that they are interested in understanding their own thinking. ( what, common )
  35. The population in and around San Francisco is now ____________ (比1906年多十倍 ). (than)
  36. Under no circumstances_________(应该放弃希望). ( give )
  37. Interactive ads can also change_______(根据) your interests and habits. (depend)
  38. To get quick profits from the trees, people have cut them down in large numbers, _______(结果发现) they have lost their good friends. ( only )
  39. For many weeks we_________( 习惯于见到 ) horses and oxen suffering from heat, thirst and starvation. Now things got worse. ( accustom )
  40. The less anxious and more relaxed the learner is, ____________(他们的语言就学得越好). ( acquisition )
  第三节: 完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)
  I didn’t cry when I learned I was the parent of a mentally disabled child. I just sat still and didn’t say anything while my husband and I were informed that two-year-old Kristi was—as we suspected—retarded(智力迟钝的).
   When Kristi was old enough to__41__school, we sent her to a kindergarten(幼儿园). During Kristi’s second year in school, she faced a very__42__ex-perience. A meeting based on music and PE activities__43__be held in her school.
   On the day of the program, Kristi__44__to be sick, but I insisted that she should take part in the activities.
   Just__45__I had forced her to go to school, now Iforcedmyselftogotothe__46__.Whenthe performance began, I knew__47__ Kristi had been worried.Her class was divided into relay teams.
  __48__her limp and slow, clumsy reactions, she would surely__49__her team.
   The performance went surprisingly well,__50__, until it was time for the sack race(套袋赛跑). Now each child had to climb into a sack from a standing position, jump into a goal line, return and climb out of the sack.
   I watched Kristi__51__ near the end of her line of players, looking sad. But as Kristi’s turn came, a(n) __52__took place in her team. The tallest boy in the line stepped behind Kristi and placed his hands on her waist. Two other boys stood a little ahead of her.
  __53__the player in front of Kristi stepped from the sack, those two boys grabbed the sack and held it __54__while the tall boy lifted Kristi and__55__ her neatly into it. A girl in front of Kristi took her hand and supported her until Kristi __56__her balance. Then__57__she jumped, smiling and proud.
   Among the__58__of teachers, schoolmates and parents, I crept off by myself to thank God for the__59__, understanding people in life who make it__60__for my disabled daughter to be like her fellow human beings.
   Then I finally cried.
  41.A. take part in B. join
   C. attend D. visit
  42.A. painful B. wonderful
   C. interesting D. colourful
  43.A. should B. would
   C. could D. might
  44.A. determined B. seemed
   C. proved D. pretended
  45.A. as B. while
   C. when D. then
  46.A. scene B. program
   C. sight D. party
  47.A. how B. where
   C. why D. what
  48.A. Except B. Beyond
   C. Through D. With
  49.A. hold up B. put off
   C. turn out D. keep off
  50.A. yet B. anyway
   C. though D. indeed
  51.A. standing B. lying
   C. laughing D. preparing
  52.A. accident B. change
   C. fight D. discussion
  53.A. At once B. As long as
   C. The moment D. Now that
  54.A. closed B. tight
   C. high D. open
  55.A. threw B. dropped
   C. drove D. rescued
  56.A. gained B. accepted
   C. lost D. affected
  57.A. off B. over
   C. around D. down
  58.A. experiences B. activities
   C. cheers D. prizes
  59.A. warm B. independent
   C. fortunate D. lucky
  60.A. difficult B. unusual
   C. different D. possible
  第三部分:阅读理解 (共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)
  Workholism(沉迷工作) is a big problem because, like any addiction, it can be very dangerous and can affect certain aspects of your life. Workaholics(工作狂) usually spend a lot of time in their offices; some of them spend 60 to 70 hours a week there, and others stay even longer. There is a difference between people who spend that much time on their work because they have to and people who do it because they actually enjoy working long periods of time.
  People who work a lot because they usually have to work that much have to pay for their rent, their car payments or their children’s education. Those who have to work to pay expenses are the ones who have health problems like stress or even heart attacks. On the other hand, the people who just enjoy working usually don’t have as many health problems. However, there is a problem that these two types share, and that is family problems. These problems are usually caused by the absence(缺席) of this person at home. This can lead to divorce and cause problems for their kids.
  I think that workaholics should realize that they have problems and try to get some help from families and support groups. They need to learn that there are more things in life than work, like spending time with their families or having a hobby. Then they could break their addiction(沉迷) and also solve their family problems.
  61. The advice the author offers these workaholics to get rid of workaholism is to _______.
  A. change another job
  B. try to shorten working hours
  C. forget the pressure or the habit
  D. stay with families or find some interests
  62. According to the passage, it can be concluded that _______.
  A. the more work you do, the better it is
  B. workaholics must have health problems
  C. there is no addiction that can do good to people
  D. nothing can help solve the problems of workaholics
  63. The second paragraph mainly tells us that _______.
  A. the problems that come with workaholism
  B. the longer one works, the worse his health is
  C. the more work one does, the more money one earns
  D. those who work too many hours all have health problems
  64. The writer’s attitude towards workaholism is _______.
   A. positive
   B. negative
   C. indifferent(漠不关心的)
   D. neutral(中性的)
  British men are abandoning their stiff upper lips but still do not wear their hearts on their sleeves like Americans, a new survey showed. When it comes to strong emotion, the once serious British are now happy to shed tears quite openly.
  “Thirty percent of all British males have cried in the last month. That is a very high figure,” said Peter Marsh, director of the Social Issues Research Center which took the emotional temperature of Britain. “Only two percent said they could not remember when they last cried,” the head of the independent research group said.
  Long gone is the “No Tears—We’re British” time when emotion was considered distinctly bad form, “In our survey of 2,000 people, very few people in their forties or fifties had seen their father cry. Now it is twice as many,” he told reporters. “Seventy-seven percent of men considered crying in public increasingly acceptable.” Almost half the British men opened the floodgates over a sad movie, book or TV program. Self-pity got 17 percent crying. Nine percent cried at weddings.
  From the days of Empire, the British have always considered themselves models of reserve (含蓄), laughing at “excitable foreigners” who show no self-control.
  Marsh argued the divide was still there: “We have probably not caught up with the Americans or the Italians when it comes to the actual display of emotions.”
  “But we are clearly changing. What we take as typical British reserve has significantly faded.”
  Women’s battle for equal rights has certainly had an effect—both in the workplace and at home. “Men in their twenties or thirties are interacting with women on equal terms much more so than a generation ago. They have to relate to the opposite sex. Women become more man-like and men become more female. That transfers into the work place too.” Marsh said.
  65. The underlined phrase“wear their hearts on their sleeves” means__________.
   A. wear their sleeves properly
   B. express their feeling openly
   C. put their heart into their work
   D. have a heart-to-heart discussion
  66. The British used to think crying in public____________.
   A. natural B. sensible
   C. unacceptable D. important
  67. British men cried most__________.
   A. over a sad film B. over self-pity C. at wedding D. at graduation
  68. In the last paragraph, the writer mainly discussed________.
   A. the women’s struggle for equal rights B. one of the causes of the change
   C. interacting between men and women
   D. women’s influence on men
  Immigration is all about finding a new balance. While some people are pushed to quickly assimilate, others are pulled to maintain (保持) their own culture. How much you choose to assimilate can decide who you are, and how you are seen, in a new society.
  Some immigrants refuse the need to change. For example, my dad always tries to compare New Zealand to China. He constantly tries to prove to us that China is better. Home is a “Chinese-only” zone. All our food is bought from the Chinese supermarket. My father never goes to the doctor but instead relies on traditional Chinese medicine.
  However, some of my friends seem to be happy to have left their past behind. They dye(染) their hair and stop speaking their mother tongue. They all eat, dress and behave just like Kiwis(新西兰人). To me, their so-called “new life” is a betrayal (背叛).
  These extreme examples result from the confusion that occurs when a person first settles in a new country.
   When the older generation moved to a foreign country, they experienced a new culture overlapping (重叠) their old one. They feared losing their own identity(身份) so much that they held tightly to their roots and never let go. In addition, faced with a new language, immigrants always find it easier to express ideas in their mother tongue. It’s natural they should end up spending time with people who understand them the most - people from their native country.
  The younger generation don’t have as much to lose as their parents and grandparents. Peer(同龄人) pressure forces them to change. If you want to make new friends, you have to speak their language. The longer you spend with your new friends, the less you follow the customs of your homeland. Young people quickly adapt to(适应) a new culture.
   69. What is the passage mainly about?
   A. Immigrants’ hard struggle for survival and their confusion in a new country.
   B. The two different attitudes towards a new culture among immigrants.
   C. How younger generation can adapt to a new culture more quickly than the older one.
   D. The heart-felt need for change for immigrants when faced with a new culture.
  70. According to the passage, which of the following is true?
   A. An immigrant’s identity completely depends on how much they can accept the new culture.
   B. The writer doesn’t agree with those who are happy to have forgotten their past.
   C. All the older generation find it hard to accept the new culture.
   D. The younger generation adapt to the new culture more quickly because of the help from their new friends.
  71. We can infer from the above passage that ________.
   A. cultural shock (冲突) is a common problem for most immigrants
   B. a lack of balance is the main cause of the differences between two generations
   C. an act of betrayal to their roots is usually unforgiving for immigrants
   D. Chinese is a difficult language for foreigners to learn
  72. The underlined word “assimilate” in the first paragraph probably means ________.
   A. fit in with B. transform
   C. accumulate D. attend to
  Today’s business cards are getting increasing complicated. In addition to the usual telephone, fax and mobile number, there are a growing number of cards printed with an email address and web site. In the future, one may even find a video phone number. Indeed, some companies like Picture Tel are already showing their video number on their company cards. What is this number for? Video conferencing.
  You can imagine video conferencing as nothing more than a television set or PC monitor with such a camera that not only your voice but also your face, the surroundings and any other images can be captured and sent out through the communication system with or without wires. Of course, when you go into the details, the technology involved is very advanced and full with jargon(术语), such as bandwidth, latency and isochrony which are used to explain how video conferencing works.
  Good people communication is important in any business, and the more interaction(交互) you can achieve, the more likely it is that your decisions will be the right ones. Video conferencing not only allows you to speak to people in different locations, but also see facial expressions and gestures that let you know what the other person is really thinking. Meetings are made more effective by sharing documents and computer applications, something that a simple telephone cannot manage.
  Increasingly, organizations are discovering the competitive advantages and the power of video conferencing. With advances in performance, reasonable pricing, the ability to integrate traditional meeting tools and connectivity to global telephone networks, video conferencing is now a practical reality for any organization.
  73. What did the author imply in the first paragraph?
  A. Today’s business cards are more and more complex.
  B. Means of communication is developing at a high speed.
  C. Some companies show their video number on their company cards.
  D. Fax, mobile and telephone numbers are usually printed on a business card.
  74. Which of the following statements is NOT true in describing video conferencing?
  A. Video conferencing enables the speakers to speak to different persons in different places.
  B. Video conferencing helps speakers to know what other people are thinking by watching facial expressions and gestures of the speakers.
  C. Video conferencing makes meetings more effective.
  D. Video conferencing will become the most important means of communication in the future.
  75. Video conferencing is a practical reality for any organization because of all the following except ________.
  A. the ability to make full use of common meeting tools
  B. the acceptable price
  C. its connectivity to global telephone network
  D. the improvement of its performance
  76. What is the best title for this passage?
  A. A Comparison for Video Conferencing and Telephone.
  B. The Future of Communication.
  C. A Future Way of Communication-Video Conferencing.
  D. Advantages of Video Conferencing.
  Some people believe that international sport creates goodwill between the nations and that if countries play games together they will learn to live together. Others say that the opposite is true: that international contests encourage false national pride and lead to misunderstanding and hatred. There is probably some truth in both arguments, but in recent years the Olympic Games have done little to support the view that sports encourages international brotherhood. Not only was there the tragic incident involving the murder of athletes, but the Games were also ruined by lesser incidents caused by minor national contests.
  The American basketball team announced that they would not give first place to Russia, after a disputable end to the contest. The game had ended in disorder. It was thought at first that the United States had won, by a single point, but it was announced that there were three seconds still to play. A Russian player then threw the ball from one end of the court to the other, and another player popped it into the basket. It was the first time the USA had ever lost an Olympic basketball match. An appeal jury(诉讼团) debated the matter for four and a half hours before announcing that the result would stand. The American players then voted not to receive the silver medals.
  Incidents of this kind will continue as long as sport is played competitively rather than for the love of the game. The suggestion that athletes should compete as individuals, or in non-national teams, might be too much to hope for. But in the present organization of the Olympics there is far too much that encourages aggressive patriotism(爱国主义).
  77. According to the author, recent Olympic Games have ________.
  A. created goodwill between the nations
  B. produced only false national pride
  C. showed little international friendship
  D. led to more and more misunderstanding and hatred
  78. The basketball example implied that________.
  A. too much patriotism was displayed in the incident
  B. the announcement to prolong(延长) the match was wrong
  C. the appeal jury was too hesitant in making the decision
  D. the American team was right in refusing to accept the silver medals
  79. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
  A. National pride leads to incidents in international games
  B. Sportsmen have been more obedient than they used to be
  C. Competitiveness in the games does great harm to international friendship
  D. Unfair decisions are common in Olympic Games
  80. What conclusion can be drawn from the passage?
  A. The organization of the Olympic Games must be improved.
  B. Athletes should compete as individuals in the Olympic Games.
  C. Sport should be played competitively rather than for the love of the game.
  D. International contests are blamed for misunderstanding between nations.
  2007年9月10 日《21世纪报》 刊登了中国适龄儿童上学的调查结果(见下图)。 请根据图表及提示,为你校校刊的 “English Corner” 写一篇报道。内容包括:

  1. 图中所反映的情况。
  2. 发生这些变化的原因。
  3. 你期望到2010年会是怎样的情况。
   1. 开头已为你写好(不计入总词数)。
   2. 词数100 左右。
   参考词汇:九年教育: nine years of compulsory education
  The 21st Century, a newspaper, published a report on September 10th on school-age children attending school in Chna__________________________________________________________
  Text 1
   W: John, what are you doing on your computer? Don’t you remember your promise?
   M: This is not a game. It’s only a word puzzle. It helps increase my vocabulary.
  Text 2
  W: I’ve been waiting here for almost half an hour. Why did it take so long to park the car?
  M: Oh, I’m sorry, dear. I had to drive two blocks before I found a place to park.
  Text 3
  W: How many students took the exam last Saturday?
  M: Well, let me see. Fifty had planned to but not everyone showed up. I believe that we had twenty five from the Middle East and fifteen from Latin America.
  Text 4
  W: Hello, is George there?
  M: No, this is his father. Can I take a message?
  W: Yes, please. Tell him that Joan called. The party’s on Friday night at Sally’s flat. It starts at about 8. Could you ask him to bring some of his music CDs? I mean some music, which is good to dance to.
  Text 5
  W: I didn’t think much of that performance.
  M: No. It wasn’t too hot. What a pity, they’re a good group after all.
  W: I couldn’t hear the lead singer at all.
  M: Me neither. The guitars and drums were too loud.
  Text 6
  W: Can you recognize me, David?
  M: Why, are you Margaret?
  W: Of course I am. We haven’t seen each other for nearly twenty years.
  M: You haven’t changed much.
  W: You haven’t, either.
  M: Remember the days when we were together? We use to go out for a walk every evening after supper.
  W: And my mother used to say that we were more like brother and sister than friends.
  M: Oh, those good old days.
  Text 7
  M: Why don’t we go out for dinner sometime this week?
  W: That’d be nice. I haven’t been to a restaurant for ages. Do you have any place in mind?
  M: Not really. Let’s think. How about Indian food?
  W: Mmm, that would be OK. It can be a bit hot, though.
  M: Yes, that’s true. Then how about Chinese food?
  W: I love Chinese food. But I’m never sure what to order!
  M: Well, why don’t we try that Chinese restaurant on King Street? Have you ever eaten there?
  W: You mean the Eastern Palace? Is that the one?
  M: That’s right.
  W: No, I’ve never tried it. But I hear it’s very good.
  M: Yes, I’ve eaten there several times, so I know the menu quite well.
  W: Sounds great! So when do you want to go?
  M: Is Friday OK with you?
  W: Sure, I’m not doing anything on Friday.
  M: Would 7:00 be OK?
  W: Yes, that would be a good idea.
  M: Then let’s meet in front of the restaurant just before seven.
  W: All right. I look forward to it. Thanks.
  Text 8
  W: Good morning, Mr Thompson. My name is Mary Brown.
  M: Good morning, Ms Brown. Take a seat, please.
  W: Thank you.
  M: Well, Ms Brown, could you please tell me about yourself?
  W: Yes, of course. I’m 18 years old and just graduated from Peterson Secretary School. I read your ad in the newspaper and know that you are looking for a secretary.
  M: Could you tell me what you can do?
  W: I can do whatever a secretary is expected to do, such as typing, receiving phone calls, sending faxes, and writing reports.
  M: Well, it seems that your qualifications for the job are excellent. Could you tell me what kind of salary you are expecting?
  W: I saw in the ad that this position offers a salary of around $2,000 a month.
  M: That’s right.
  W: That would be fine with me.
  M: Is there anything you would like to know about the job?
  W: No, not so far.
  M: Good, thank you for coming, Ms Brown. I’ve enjoyed meeting and talking with you. We’ll let you know the result as soon as possible.
  W: Thank you. I appreciate the time you’ve given me.
  Text 9
  M: Hello, Ms Thomas. What can I do for you?
  W: Well, I’ve been having bad stomach pains lately, doctor.
  M: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. How long have you been having them?
  W: Just in the last few weeks. I get a very sharp pain about an hour after I’ve eaten.
  M: I see. Do you get this after every meal?
  W: Let me think. No, it’s usually in the afternoon, after lunch.
  M: Well, what do you have for lunch?
  W: Oh, I mostly just have a quick hamburger and rush back to the office. We’re very busy at the moment.
  M: Well, I don’t think it’s anything serious. Maybe you eat too quickly. It’s bad for your health.
  W: My husband is always telling me that.
  M: Anyway, I’ll give you something for it and we’ll see what happens. Take the medicine three times a day.
  W: After meals or before?
  M: After eating.
  W: Thank you, doctor.
  M: You’re welcome.
  Text 10
  “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” But is healthy living really that simple? Well, here are some of my tips for healthy living. The most important thing of all in keeping good health is eating a nutritious diet. Remember, eating well doesn’t mean giving up the foods you love; it means choosing lower fat foods more often. Keep it in mind that artificially produced vitamins are not as nutritional as the vitamins we get from our normal foods. So, when it comes to vitamins, don’t overdo it. Secondly, a good night sleep is necessary for good health. Another point in maintaining health is daily exercise. Now, exercise is something many people think they don’t have time for. But it only takes 30 minutes a day. Next, stay away from cigarettes and don’t overdo drinking. Finally, take time every day to do something you enjoy, whether it’s reading a good book, gardening, or just talking to a friend. Remember: good health means good living. I’m Dr Graham Johnson, thank you!
  第一节:1. C2. A3. B4. C5. C
  第二节:6. B7. C8. C9. C10. A 11.A 12. C13. B14. A 15. B 16. B17. B 18. C19. A20. C
  21.Beditor的意思是“编辑”,issue是“重要议题;报刊;发行”,publication 是“出版;发行物”,edition的意思为“版本;一期、一辑”, 根据句意应选B。
  22.Bconscious; concentrated; constant意思分别是“意识到; 集中的;经常的”, 而be cautious about的意思是 “小心的、谨慎的” 符合题意。
  23.Abe armed with的意思是“备有、掌握 ”。
  25.Cadapt; adjust; addict的意思是“适应;调整;上瘾”,而adopt有“采纳、运用“之意。
  26. D根据句意应为“……简略谈论”。
  27. Cappeal to意思是“吸引 ”。
  28. Drather than意思是“而不是”, other than意思则是“除……之外” 。
  29. Bsimilarly的意思为“与之相似的是”, generally; naturally; merely意思分别是“总的说来; 自然而然的;仅仅”,与句意不符。
  30. Aset down意思是“记录下;记载”, break down是“突然出故障”, bring down意思是“使……下降”, close down为“关闭”。
  31. Impressive as the record is,考查由 “ as” 引导的让步状语从句的倒装句型。
  32. when Spielberg’s career really took off,考查定语从句及短语take off。
  33. need/want to take into consideration,此题考查词语搭配take sth into consideration。
  34. what they have in common,考查what引导的主语从句及词语have sth in common。
  35. ten times larger/bigger than that of 1906,此题考查比较句型。
  36. should hope be given up,考查倒装句及被动语态。
  37. depending on/ upon,考查分词作状语。
  38. only to find,考查动词不定式作结果状语。
  39. had been accustomed to,考查词语搭配be accustomed to。
  40. the better their language acquisition(will be),考查比较状语从句。
  41. C 此处意思是Kristi 要“上学”了,attend school表示“上学”。
  42. A 根据上下文,有智障问题的Kristi要面临一个很“painful”的问题了。
  43. B 根据上下文,选用would表示过去将来时。
  44. DKristi由于没有自信,不敢参加集体表演活动,“假装”(pretended)称病,想留在家里。
  45. A本句意思是:“正如”(just as)我强迫女儿上学一样,我现在也是强迫自己去参加活动。
  46. B 文章前面已经提到了作者是去参加一个program。
  47. C 作者来到活动现场,才知道了女儿“为什么”(why)担心的原因。
  48. DWith引导状语从句表示原因。
  49. Ahold up (her team) 在文中表示“阻止,拖累”的意思。
  50. C “不过”,活动出人意料地开展得很顺利。用though在这儿表示转折。
  51. A我看着女儿“站”(stood)在队伍的最尾端,神色悲哀。
  52. B当轮到Kristi的时候,情况一下子“变了”(changed)。
  53. C最高的男孩走到Kristi后面,两手抱住Kristi的腰。另外两个男孩则走到她的前面站着。Kristi前面的人从套袋里“一”(the moment as)走出来,那两个男孩就抓过袋子,把它撑“开”(open)。
  54. D 解释同上。
  55. B 高个子男孩抱起Kristi,把她稳稳地(neatly)“放进”(drop)袋子。drop表示“从高处往下放或落”的意思。
  56. Again one’s balance 表示“获得平衡”。
  57. Aoff 介词前置,jump off表示“跳走”。
  58. C老师、同学和在场的父母亲们一片“欢呼”(cheers)。
  59. Awarm表示“热心的”。
  60. D我匍匐在地上,感谢我女儿生活中遇到的那些热心而善解人意的人们,是他们使得我残疾的女儿“能够”和他们一样正常生活。
  61. D细节理解题,根据倒数第二句“...like spending time with their families or having a hobby” 可以得知正确答案为D。
  62. C 推理判断题,根据第二段中“However, there is a problem that these two types share, and that is family problems.”可以得知C为正确答案。
  63. A 段落大意题,第二段主要讲述了沉迷工作的危害。
  64. B 作者观点题,从全文可以得知,作者对“沉迷工作”这一做法是持否定态度的。
  65. B 猜测词义题,“wear one’s heart on one’s sleeves”意思是“坦率”,根据上下文可以猜出答案。
  66. C 细节理解题,从第三段第一句“Long gone is the “No Tears—We’re British” time when emotion was considered distinctly bad form”可以得知答案为C。
  67. A细节理解题,从第三段句尾“Almost half the British men opened the floodgates over a sad movie, book or TV program”可以得知答案为A。
  68. B段意归纳题,从倒数第二段和尾段的首句“Women’s battle for equal rights has certainly had an effect”可以得知答案为B,即解释英国人在性格行为上发生变化的原因。
  69. B 主旨大意题,文章讲述了两代人队移居国外生活不同的态度,A选项具有较强的干扰性,但根据第三段得知年轻一代很能适应国外生活,故应排除选项A。
  70. B 正误判断题,根据第三段句尾“To me, their so-called “new life” is a betrayal”得知作者的态度,B为正确选项。选项C表述绝对化,不完全符合文章意思。
  71. A推理判断题,根据全文意思,可以推断“文化冲突对大多数移民来说是一个普遍的问题”。
  72. A词义猜测题,根据全文意思,可以推断划线部分词义为“适应”(fit in with).
  73. B段意理解题,根据段首的第一句“Today’s business cards are getting increasing complicated”,说明当今的通讯方式发展日新月异,故B为正确答案。
  74. D正误判断题,根据文章内容,A、B、C均为正确,选项D表述绝对化,根据段尾最后一句“video conferencing is now a practical reality for any organization”,并未说“video conferencing”是未来最重要的通讯方式,选项D不符合文章意思,故应选D。
  75. A 正误判断题,根据段尾最后一句“With advances in performance, reasonable pricing, the ability to integrate traditional meeting tools and connectivity to global telephone networks, video conferencing is now a practical reality for any organization.”得知B、C、D均符合文章意思的表述,而选项A表述的意思并没有在文中提到,故应选A。
  76. C 主旨大意题,文章主要介绍了一种极具发展潜力的通讯方式“Video conferencing”,故应选C。选项D具有较强的干扰性,但文章并不是全文介绍“Video conferencing”的优越性能,概括性不及选项C高。
  77. C 细节理解题,从第一段中间“in recent years the Olympic Games have done little to support the view that sports encourages international brotherhood” 可以得知答案为C。B表述太过绝对,与文章意思不符;选项D干扰性很强,但说“当今体育赛事引起了越来越多的误解和仇恨”,与作者意思有一定的出入。
  78. A 细节理解题,作者举例的目的是为了进一步说明其观点。
  79. C 正误判断题,全文主题为“当今体育赛事的激烈竞争有损国际间的友谊”,故C应为正确答案。选项A干扰性较强,但引起体育赛事中的诸多问题的根源是其激烈的竞争性,而不是“national pride”,故应排除。
  80. A 推理判断题,根据全文意思,可以推断“奥林匹克体育竞赛的组织方式有待进一步改进”,故正确答案应为A。
  The 21st Century, a newspaper, published a report on September. 10th on school-age children attending school in China.
  As is shown in the bar graph, the number of school age children attending school increased a lot between 1985 and 2002. In 1985, the percentage was just over 95.5%, but it rose in the ten years that followed to 98.5% in 1995. After that, the number continued to increase and by 2002, 99% of children were attending school.
  These changes happened not only because the government introduced a law stating that by the year 2000 every Chinese child would have nine years of compulsory education in 1986, but also because more schools were built especially in the countryside.
  Therefore, I dare to say, from the tendency that the percentage of school age children attending school will climb to 100% by 2010.
  责任编辑:王 伟
本文针对2008年湖北卷命题特点,探讨2009年湖北高考语文命题的趋势及应对策略。    一、语基题——很熟悉,很基础    第一大题语基题以“熟题”为主,共5个小题,仍沿袭2007年语基题考点——字音、字形、成语、语病和标点的设置。其中,字音题在一如既往地回避因方言差异而导致考试的不公平现象的同时降低了难度,只考查到了几个常见的多音字:“处理、参与、供应”:但是对于湖北方言中容易出现的习惯错误读
大考在即,如何积极应对,这里有一些好的方法供大家参考:    一、运用合理的复习策略    复习策略总的来说就是“整合”与“回归”。整合就是通过对所学知识的回顾、反思和整理,使之条理化、系统化的过程。高三复习阶段,通过教材复习、专题复习、综合检测等形式,同学们已经储备了大量的知识、技能和其他高考信息。但由于复习时间紧张,节奏紧凑,再加上老师的“狂轰乱炸”、学生的“贪多求全”,目前储备的很多知识尚未
一、1 A(“酿”应读作niang“落”应读作luo;B项中的“挈”应读作qie;C项中的“脯”应读作fu;D项中的“遄”应读作chuan)  2 D(A项中的“钢”应写作“刚”,B项中的“结”应写作“节”。C项中的“志致”应写作“致志”)  3 B(“戛然而止”形容声音突然中止,不能用来形容线索的中断)  4 (fA项中“是否收治过”和“正在抢救”前后矛盾:B项中语序不当,应把“他虽然”改为“虽
文题展示  阅读下面的文字,根据要求作文。  关,《词典》说是古代在交通险要或边境出入的地方设置的守卫处所。如函谷关、玉门关,一夫当关,万夫莫开。在现代。又出现了对进出口货物查验并征税的海关。关,又用来比喻一段不易度过的时间,如年关、难关;目前每一个人必须有信心渡过世界性的经济危机这一关。关,还用来指起重要转折作用的环节,如关节、关键、把好质量关、突破这一关。人生要过许多关,读书关、工作关、家庭关
[引言]  很多人认为命题作文,无须在审题上花费过多的时间和精力,从多次阅卷实践及平时的作文训练来看。这是严重的认识误区。命题作文依旧需要审题,从某种层面上看,它的审题难度绝不亚于话题作文和材料作文,稍有不慎。很容易偏题或离题。  审题与立意是相互依存的关系。题目审准确了。立意的范围也就基本确定了。所谓的偏题、离题,表面上看与题目有关,实质上是文章的立意产生了偏差。  [方法演绎]  命题作文既然
[美文欣赏] 生活中需要对手 刘明强    ①美洲虎是一种濒临灭绝的动物,据说,现在世界上尚存不足20只,其中有一只生活在秘鲁的国家动物园里。为了保护这只美洲虎,秘鲁人在动物园里单独圈出一块地。让它自由生存,圈地中有成群的牛、羊、鹿供老虎享用。参观过虎园的人都说这是“虎的天堂”。然而奇怪的是,没人看见这只老虎去捕捉牛羊,唯一见到的情景就是它躺在空洞的虎房里吃了睡、睡了吃。  ②一些市民认为它太孤独
热点一:考查对古诗词“情”“景”的分析理解    古诗词的情景是古诗词的灵魂。也称为古诗词的形象。古诗词中所描写的景或物,都倾注着诗人的思想,包含着诗人的感情。鉴赏古诗词,首先就要根据题目和诗句的内容,并且联系注释对作者的介绍分析揣摩。诗题是作者对全诗内容的综括,是理解诗歌情景的重要“窗口”,必须认真审视:注释是对作者的简单介绍和对疑难字词的必要诠释,在一定程度上可以帮助了解作者思想,认知诗句内容
面对古典  张婧    我钟情于阳春白雪的文字,乐此不疲地书写着我所看到的,听到的。想到的……竭尽我绵软的文字力量,把那感动了我千万次的古典声音记录下来。  可是我遂渐发现。这份美丽的感动,并不能如湖面上波光涟漪的水晕一般荡漾开来。感染我身边的人,给看到我文字的人以快乐!我感动了自己,却无法感动他人。是古典的力量消退了吗?还是我的情怀不够深沉、博大?  《美的历程》是我非常喜欢的书,我惊讶于李泽厚
一、传记类常用词语归类    1 表官职的  (1)宰相:总揽政务的大官。宰,主持;相,辅佐。  (2)御史大夫:其权力仅次丞相。  (3)六部:吏、户、礼、兵、刑、工。  (4)三司:太尉,司徒司空。  (5)中书省:中央行政机要机关。  (6)尚书:六部最高行政长官。  (7)太尉:军事首脑。  (8)郎中:尚书属下部员。  (9)宦官:宫廷内侍,叉称太监。  (10)侍郎侍中:侍卫。  (1
第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)    第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)  听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置,听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题,每段对话仅读一遍。    1. What time does last train leave for Paris?  A. At