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广东省毗邻香港,在现有600多万香港居民中,粤籍人士约有500万,占居民总数的80%。党的十一届三中全会后,广东省各地,特别是珠江三角洲一带各级侨务部门,根据党的基本路线和有关侨务政策,结合当地形势,采用多种形式在做好对香港同胞的侨务工作上,取得了不少成效。但香港回归祖国后,如何进一步做好香港同胞的侨务工作,是侨务工作者面临的一个新课题,笔者在此谈谈粗浅认识,抛砖引玉,敬请指教。 一、学好《基本法》是进一步发展侨务工作的前提 为了保证香港回归的繁荣和稳定,我国政府根据香港的历史和现状,制定了《中华人民共和国香港特别行政区基本法》(以下简称《基本法》)。《基本法》由9章160条及3个附件组成。我国恢复对香港行使主权后,《基本法》将在香港实施。《基本法》不仅是香港特别行政区的最高法典,也是一部全国性的重要法典。这不仅因为《基本法》是由我国最高立法机关,即全国人民代表大会审议通过并颁布的;同时,《基本法》中有许多内容涉及到香港与中央人民政府的关系;涉及到国家的国防和外交;涉及到香港与内地各省、自治区、直辖市的关系等等。更重要的是《基本法》把“一个国家,两种制度”的构想,以法律的形式固定下来。它把中央对解决香港问题的基本方针政策具体化、法律化,? Guangdong Province is adjacent to Hong Kong. Of the 6 million Hong Kong residents currently there are about 5 million Cantonese-origin people, accounting for 80% of the total population. After the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, all levels of overseas Chinese affairs departments in various parts of Guangdong Province, especially the Pearl River Delta, used various forms of doing well the overseas Chinese affairs of Hong Kong compatriots in accordance with the party’s basic line and related overseas Chinese affairs policies, Work, made a lot of results. However, after Hong Kong’s return to the motherland, how to further improve the overseas Chinese affairs of Hong Kong compatriots is a new task for overseas Chinese workers. Here, I would like to talk about superficial understanding and advice from experts. I. Learning from the Basic Law is the Prerequisite for Further Development of Overseas Chinese Affairs In order to ensure the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong’s return to the motherland, our government has formulated the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the “Basic Law”) based on the history and current situation in Hong Kong. The Basic Law consists of 9 chapters and 160 articles and 3 annexes. After China resumes its exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong, the “Basic Law” will be implemented in Hong Kong. The Basic Law is not only the supreme law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region but also a nationwide important code. This is not only because the “Basic Law” was deliberated and passed by the highest legislative body of our country, the National People’s Congress. At the same time, there are many elements in the Basic Law concerning the relations between Hong Kong and the Central People’s Government, the national defense and diplomacy It covers the relations between Hong Kong and other provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government. More importantly, the “Basic Law” fixes the concept of “one country and two systems” in the form of laws. It embodies the centralization and legalization of the Central Government’s basic principles and policies for solving the Hong Kong question.
杭州制氧机厂为了加强对劳动卫生的管理,保护职工健康,于1982年建立了劳动卫生与职业病档案,收到了较好的效果。 这个厂的劳动卫生与职业病档案分为三类:一类是车间工业卫生
新学期,我接任了一个中班,班里有一个白白净净的女孩叫小雪,每天早晨入园时都眼泪汪汪的。看到这种情况,每次我都会蹲下来笑着牵起她的手,然后拥抱她,耐心地安慰她,和她聊天,分散她的注意力,直到她在我的拥抱下半推半就地走进活动室。  其实在幼儿园里,小雪还挺大方的,愿意参与各种活动,与小朋友相处也很友好。为什么每天入园时会情绪不好呢?我在和她聊天时问过她:“你愿意上幼儿园吗?”她笑眯眯地告诉我:“愿意。
2016年年初,春节有九天连假,我不在池上。  这几年,一到周末,池上游客就多起来。游客如潮水,小小的乡村,原本简朴宁静的生活自然被淹没了。  我在池上住了一年多,日日享受安静无人的村居生活,大概觉得自己福分太多,不应该独享,慢慢连假日都离开池上,把这里的一切留给别人。  春假过后,我回到池上,许多人脸上惊魂甫定,好像经历了一场大战。  “很多人吗?”我问。  “光火车站附近的便当一天就卖了八千个
你听说过梅捷这个名字吗?是不是特耳熟?——不过,咱们今天不说英国的那位前任首相“梅杰”,咱们聊一下电脑主机板行业里的国际著名品牌“梅捷(SOYO)”! “梅捷”——听听,多清
涌水量较大的矿山,往往需要建设庞大的排水站和复杂的供电网,经常消耗于排水的电力占全矿电力的消耗比重很大。某些矿 Large influx of mines, often need to build a huge