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所谓派阀,是指在某一集团内部,因思想、出身、利益、憎恶、对特定人物的忠诚心等某些共同点而结合在一起,通过连续性的共同行为,试图对该集团的意思决定行使影响力的非正式小集团。对于政党而言,一党内部存有派阀,无疑将对该党的政治实践活动乃至执政方式产生重要影响,形成派阀政治。从自民、社会两党派阀政治的比较中可以看出,自民党长期一党执政,在相当程度上得益于其派阀联合体式的执政方式,而社会党长期在野,也与其派阀在意识形态问题上纷争不断相关,这从一个侧面揭示了日本“55年体制”形成的内在原因。 The so-called sectarianism refers to a group within the group, because of ideas, origin, interests, abhorrence, loyalty to certain characters and so some of the common ground together, through the joint act of trying to attempt to the group’s meaning Informal small groups that decide to exercise influence. For a political party, the existence of a party within a party will undoubtedly have an important influence on the party’s political practice and even the way in which it is governed, and form a political valve. From the comparative study of valve politics between the self-government and the social parties, we can see that the long-term one-party ruling by the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) has benefited to a large extent from its mode of governing the coalitions. However, the Socialists have been out in the field for a long time and are also opposed to their ideological problems On the one hand, the disputes on the other are constantly related, revealing the internal reasons for the formation of Japan’s “55-year system” from one aspect.
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