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“建设物质文明关键在党,建设精神文明关键也在党。”这是党的十四届六中全会科学分析了精神文明建设的形势,总结了精神文明建设的经验提出的加强党对精神文明建设领导的明确要求,这是搞好两个文明建设的根本保证。 社会主义现代化建设事业,是物质文明和精神文明协调发展、相辅相成的事业。建设高度的社会主义精神文明,是社会主义本质的要求,也是社会主义社会的重要特征。它不但是我国现代化建设目标的重要组成部分,而且是为整个现代化建设提供强大的精神动力、智力支持和正确方向的思想保证。尤其是在当前,要面对世界范围内各种思想文化互相激荡,迎接综合国力剧烈竞争的挑战;要在前进中战胜各种困难,全面实现“九五”计划和2010年远景目标,坚持党的基本路线一百年不动摇,这就不仅要求物质文明有一个大发展,而且同时要求精神文明也有一个大的发展。一句话,党的历史任务是要建设富强、民主、文明的社会主义现代化国家,建设全面发展、全面进步的有中国特色 “The key to building a material civilization is the party and the key to building spiritual civilization is also the party.” This is the situation at the 6th Plenary Session of the 14th CPC Central Committee that scientifically analyzed the construction of spiritual civilization and summed up the experience of building spiritual civilization proposed by the party to enhance spiritual civilization The clear requirement of building leadership means that this is the fundamental guarantee for the two civilizations. The cause of socialist modernization is the cause of the coordinated development of material civilization and spiritual civilization that complement each other. Building a high level of socialist spiritual civilization is a requirement of the essence of socialism and an important feature of socialist society. It is not only an important part of the goal of our country’s modernization, but also an ideological guarantee of providing a strong spiritual force, intellectual support and a correct direction for the entire modernization drive. In particular, at present, we must face up to the turbulence of various ideologies and cultures in the world and meet the challenge of fierce competition in overall national strength. We must overcome all kinds of difficulties in our progress, fully implement the Ninth Five-Year Plan and the 2010 long-term goal, The basic line will not waver for a hundred years. This requires not only a great development of material civilization, but also a great development of spiritual civilization. In a word, the Party’s historic task is to build a prosperous, democratic and civilized socialist modern country and to build a nation with all-round development and all-round progress with Chinese characteristics
小店起火 六幢民房被烧毁 1997年5月18日,正值麦收时节的开化县苏庄镇苏庄村,处处沉浸在夏收夏种的繁忙之中。村民们有的去地里割麦,有的上晒场打麦,有的下田插秧,忙得不亦
實践表明,中学语文教育质量的好坏取决于教师专业发展水平的高低。正如汉代学者王充所说:“人生莫不有力。”教师只有增强内驱力,发挥自身的智慧和潜能,才能促进自己的专业成长。本文着重分析增强中学语文教师的教学内驱力以及促进中学语文教师专业成长的措施与方法。  一、做好教师自主发展规划,引发教师教学内驱力  自主发展规划是指教师对自身的教育理念与教学行为进行积极的反思,并能够根据反思的结果和教育的得失,设
6月20日凌晨2时25分,家住江山市南区二村13号的方昌亮家发生一起火灾,烧伤1人,造成经济损失2万余元。 当晚9时许,方昌亮十岁的女儿上床睡觉后,其母在她床边点上一盘蚊香,驱
1997年第11号台风裹挟着暴雨呼啸而来。在浩浩荡荡的抗台大军中,浙江消防部队交出的答卷有些不同寻常。 此前,获悉11号台风最大可能在浙南闽北一带登陆,温州、台州、宁波、
钱穆对中国史书各种体裁作出全面的分析。他推崇编年体、纪传体 ;特别强调列传体 ;对纪事本末体批评较多 ,对志书、方志等各种史书 ,都有述评。钱穆对史书体裁的分析 ,反映出