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简短讲话某工厂给职工办福利,建了一处面积不大的浴池。因职工人数较多,厂领导研究确定,按性别轮流沐浴。为了在浴池开门的头一天,使大家既洗好澡,精神生活又过得充实,经过联系,让职工们免费参观博物馆。馆里规定,参观者不准拍照展品。一切准备就绪,厂长召集全体职工,作如下简短讲话:“同志们:明天浴池开始启用,男女轮流,上午,男同志洗澡,女同志参观;下午,女同志洗澡,男同志参观……(全场哗然)大家不要嚷嚷!还有一条纪律,只准参观,不准拍照!”生死关头某甲埋头与人下棋,精神十分专注。有人跑来告诉他:“家中有要紧事,让你赶快回去。”说了几遍,他才抬起头很不耐烦地问道:“啥事呀?快说吧!?”你妻子得了急病,叫你快去请大夫!“某甲手按着棋子,两眼直盯对方,似乎什么也没有听到。那人急了,大声说:”生死关头,你还下棋!“某甲连忙摆手说:”你咋呼啥?我 Short speech A factory to staff welfare, built a small area of ​​the bath. Due to the large number of workers, factory leaders determine the research, bathing by gender. In order to open the door in the bath the first day, so that we not only take a bath, spiritual life and enrichment, through contact, so that workers visit the museum for free. Museum regulations, visitors are not allowed to take pictures of exhibits. Everything is ready, the director convenes all the staff and makes the following short speech: “Comrades: Bath opens tomorrow, turns men and women, morning, gay bathes, lesbian visits; afternoon, lesbian bath, gay visits ... The audience uproar) We do not shout! There is a discipline, only allowed to visit, are not allowed to take pictures! ”Life and death of a head buried with people playing chess, the spirit is very focused. Someone came running to tell him: “There are important things in the family, let you go back quickly. ” Said several times, he looked up very impatiently and asked: “What happened? His wife got an acute illness and told you to go to the doctor! ”Someone, holding the chess piece and staring at each other, did not seem to hear anything, and the man was anxious and said aloud,“ Life and death, you play chess ! ”Some armor quickly waved said: " What are you?
冬dōnɡ日rì里li的de一yì天tiān,长chánɡ’耳ěr兔tù和hé稻dào壳ké猫māo去qù小xiǎo狼lánɡ家jiā玩wán。  “今jīn天tiān我wǒ们men讲jiǎnɡ故ɡù事shi吧bɑ!”长chánɡ’耳ěr兔tù抱bào着zhe一yì本běn新xīn画huà册cè说shuō。  “好hǎo呀yɑ,边biān讲jiǎnɡ故ɡù事shi边biān表biǎo演yǎn出ch
1 临床资料1.1 一般情况  33例为 1999- 0 6~ 2 0 0 1- 0 6门诊因意识障碍收入神经内科的住院病人 ,男 17例 ,女 16例 ,年龄2 2~ 83岁。意识障碍持续时间 3min至 2d。其中发作性