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党的十七大做出了“深化司法体制改革”的重大战略决策。五年来,各级人民法院从我国法制建设的实际出发,紧紧抓住人民群众反映强烈的突出问题,不断推动司法体制改革向纵深发展,在完善机制体制、强化司法监督、公正廉洁执法、维护群众权益等方面取得了显著的成效。在这场改革的实践中,各级法院的同志们依靠过硬的工作质量和良好的履职作风树立了司法权威、提升了司法公信、维护了公平正义。特别是高度重视依法维护妇女权益,积极参与妇女法修订工作,大力支持预防与制止家庭暴力的人身保护令试点,严厉惩治拐卖妇女儿童犯罪行为,热情参与妇女权益保障法制宣传教育等等,包 The 17th CPC National Congress has made major strategic decisions on “deepening the reform of the judicial system.” In the past five years, the people’s courts at all levels, proceeding from the reality of the legal system construction in our country, have firmly grasped the prominent problems that the masses of the people have been strongly reflected in, and continuously pushed forward the deepening of the judicial system reform. While perfecting the system of mechanisms and strengthening judicial supervision, People’s rights and other aspects have achieved remarkable results. In this reform practice, comrades at all levels of courts set the judicial authority by relying on the excellent quality of their work and their good style of performing duties, enhancing the credibility of the judiciary and upholding fairness and justice. In particular, it attaches great importance to the protection of the rights and interests of women in law and is actively involved in the revision of the women’s law. It strongly supports the pilot protection of domestic protection against domestic violence, severely punishes the criminal acts of abducting and trafficking women and children, and participates enthusiastically in legal publicity and education on the protection of women’s rights.
春节期间白酒销售呈明显上升趋势,与往年同期相比上升了20%—50%,其中尤以高档酒中的茅台、五粮液、郎酒的上升速度最快,占整个酒类销售额的4—5成。 During the Spring Fes
摘 要 由于没有具体法律条文的限制,缺乏统一的标准和规范,实践中有些案件适用“另案处理”缺乏法律监督,沦为灰色地带,严重影响了司法公正。本文对“另案处理”的案件范围、适用原因、存在的问题进行分析,并提出改进建议。  关键词 共同犯罪 “另案处理” 侦查监督  作者简介:李洪亮,广州市花都区人民检察院。  中图分类号:D925文献标识码:A文章编号:1009-0592(2012)11-259-02 
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每个时代都有其主流行业,如20世纪初的石油、铁路,是决定当时的社会进步的主力;60年代的汽车业、70年代的金融业、80年代的电子业,都深刻地改变了当时的企业 Every era has
白酒市场形势依然严峻,竞争更加残酷,但是乱世显英雄,勇者不惧风险,应该抓住机遇,拓展生存空间。 Liquor market situation is still grim and competition is more brutal