Structures of subgrade/pavement and construction techniques for the Taklimakan Desert Highway

来源 :Science in China(Series D:Earth Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ZF6VE5
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With lots of indoor and outdoor experiments, several key technical issues in construc-tion of the Desert Highway have been solved satisfactorily, on the basis of great achievements of the studies in respects of dry compaction on sand base, design parameters, structure combination of subgrade and pavement, stabilization analysis of sand base strengthened with geotextile and a complete set of construction techniques. It is the first time the achievements of the study were successfully applied in the Taklimakan Desert where the natural condition is extremely harsh. It has been proved that it is economic and reasonable with reliable techniques and simple construc-tion methods. The Desert Highway constructed with the achievements is the first-grade highway running through huge migratory desert for long distance in the world. With lots of indoor and outdoor experiments, several key technical issues in construc-tion of the Desert Highway have been solved satisfactorily, on the basis of great achievements of the studies in respects of dry compaction on sand base, design parameters, structure combination of subgrade and pavement, stabilization analysis of sand base strengthened with geotextile and a complete set of construction techniques. It has the first time the achievements of the study were successfully applied in the Taklimakan Desert where the natural condition is extremely harsh. is economic and reasonable with reliable techniques and simple construc-tion methods. The Desert Highway constructed with the achievements is the first-grade highway running through huge migratory desert for long distance in the world.
诗歌叫我结束流浪  诗歌叫我结束流浪  叫我回到原来耕耘的园子  于是我捧住最后一丝安慰  回来了  整个冬天我都在苦干  保持沉默  穿着最简便的衣装  在冰
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【摘 要】夸美纽斯曾说过“兴趣是创造一个欢乐和光明的教学环境的主要途径。” 学习兴趣对于促进中职生计算机学习有着极为重要的作用,笔者根据自己从教以来的教学经验总结,从多个角度阐述了如何培养中职生学习计算机的兴趣,从而提高课堂教学质量,提高中职生的实践能力。  【关键词】中职生;计算机;学习兴趣  现在的中职生看起来对计算机似乎都挺感兴趣,但他们的爱好仅仅停留在打游戏、聊天娱乐等方面,我们怎样才能