“十月”怀胎,一朝分娩。分娩可分为三个产程:第一产程是指子宫开始出现有规律收缩到子宫口开全为止;第二产程起始于宫口开全到胎儿娩出时止;第三产程是新生儿降临人间后到胎盘完全排出体外。在分娩时,产妇该如何与医生配合呢? 第一产程时,宫缩一阵紧于一阵,此时产妇的情绪十分要紧。出现宫缩时,精神不必紧张,可斜倚床旁用手轻轻按摩下腹部:深吸气时双手
“October” pregnant, once childbirth. Childbirth can be divided into three stages of labor: the first stage of labor is the beginning of the uterus began to shrink to the uterine cervix until the full; second stage of labor started in the cervix until the baby was delivered; third stage of labor is the newborn advent of human After the placenta completely excreted. In childbirth, the mother how to cooperate with the doctor? The first stage of labor, contractions contractions for a while, when the maternal mood is very important. Appear contractions, the spirit does not have to be nervous, can gently massage the lower abdomen with reclining bedside: hands deep breathing