
来源 :贵州民族研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:delicious_bupt
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人类最基本的生活方式大致被分成狩猎采集、农耕、畜牧、工业这四种。一般民族分类也是以这四种生活形态为基准,其中处在最为原始阶段是狩猎采集。 狩措采集(hunting—and—gathering)简单地说是男人以打猎来保证动物类食品;女人采集野生植物,果物类及捕捉些小动物的生活形态。尽管现在已经很难见到这种生活方式,可以说人类最早的生活是从狩猎采集开始的。如果提到地球上最原始民族的生活样式,居住在达斯马里亚岛上的著民(澳大利亚南边)是最典型的狩措采集民。狩猎时手拿极其粗糙的长矛和棍棒四处捕种大袋鼠,弓也没有,一直使用旧石器时代人的握芹型石器。他们在岛上过着没有外来文化传播与世隔绝的生活,所存的文化状况仍原封不动地停留在石器时代,不过,现在达斯马里亚岛民已经灭绝了。自从19世纪初这个岛成为英国流放犯人的殖民地后,1825年开始白人策动了灭绝岛民的行动,遭各种惨害后数千民著民转眼间被大量虐杀,剩下最后一名女性也在1876年死去。达斯马里亚岛民的遭遇也是当时白人殖民地政策的最极端见证。除此之外,一直到前些年仍然过着原始狩猎采集生活的还有分布在美洲大沙漠地带的印地安人。他们的生活由女人采集种子、果物、用削尖的木棒四处挖找百合等上百种以上的植物。主食是把松子磨碎调 The most basic human way of life is roughly divided into hunting and collecting, farming, animal husbandry, industry, these four. The general ethnic classification is based on the four life forms, of which the hunting is the most primitive. Hunting-and-gathering (hunting-and-gathering) is simply a man hunting to ensure animal food; women collect wild plants, fruits and capture the lives of small animals. Although it is hard to see this way of life now, we can say that the earliest human life began with hunting and gathering. When referring to the lifestyles of the most primitive peoples on earth, the inhabitants (south of Australia) living on the island of Daumariia are the most typical collectors. Hunting, holding very rough spears and sticks around the catching kangaroo, bow did not always use Paleolithic people holding celadon. On the island, they lived a secluded life without foreign cultures, and the cultural conditions they lived in remained unchanged in the Stone Age. However, the Dasmarians are now extinct. Since the island became the British exile in the early 19th century, the White began to plot the extermination of the islanders in 1825. After the assassination of thousands of people, various mass murderers were killed in an instant. The last remaining woman Died in 1876. The experience of the Dimas is also the most extreme testimony of the White colonial policy of the time. In addition, Indians, still living primitive hunting and collecting life until the early years, also have Indians distributed in the Great American Desert. Their lives are collected by women, seeds, fruits, with a sharpened wooden stick around looking for hundreds of plants such as lily. The staple food is to grind pine nuts
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