
来源 :中国烧伤创疡杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cynthializzu
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【概述】20世纪80年代,在中国出现了一种烧伤治疗的新方法——烧伤湿润暴露疗法,它通过为创面营造生理性湿润环境而促进创面的愈合,此方法由中同科学家徐荣祥发明,并通过一种油膏性产品——湿润烧伤膏在全球范同内推广应用。自从15年前埃及引进该项技术以来,开展了不计其数的临床研究,并且获得了让人为之惊叹的治疗效果。临床实践证明,超过50%的住院烧伤患者均伴有面部烧伤,应用传统方法治疗的多数患者在创面愈合后均残留一定程度的瘢痕、色素沉着以及皮肤质地的改变,严重影响患 【Summary】 In the 1980s, a new method of burn treatment in China - burn moisturizing exposure therapy, which promotes wound healing by creating a physiological moist environment for wounds, was invented by Xu Rongxiang, a fellow in the same field. And through an ointment product - MEBO in the global promotion and application of the same. Since the introduction of the technology in Egypt 15 years ago, countless clinical studies have been conducted and the amazing therapeutic effect has been achieved. Clinical practice has proved that more than 50% of hospitalized burns patients are accompanied by facial burns. Most patients treated with traditional methods still have some degree of scarring, hyperpigmentation and skin texture changes after the wound healing, which seriously affects the patients
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