一个手机游戏帝国的诞生 gameloft的过去、现在、未来

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本刊曾经介绍过很多精彩的游戏,比如《分裂细胞》、《波斯王子》、《兄弟连》、《GT赛车》、《金刚》以及《碟中谍》,均出自我们今天要隆重介绍的手机游戏制作公司gameloft之手,就连最近百宝箱中广受欢迎的动画题材游戏《丛林大反攻》也出自gameloft之手。自1999年成立以来,gameloft已经成长为全球最大的手机游戏专业制造/发行商。今天我们就带大家走进gameloft的游戏帝国。说到手机能玩游戏,初期的记忆可能只有《贪吃蛇》和《俄罗斯方块》,虽然这些游戏也非常有乐趣,但是这样的游戏满足不了广大手机玩家的需求。随着手机机能的提升与Java程序的广泛应用,一些复杂的游戏也陆续出现在一些手机上。有市场,就有供应,1999年在法国,一家专门以手机游戏为业务的公司诞生了,它就是现在大名鼎鼎的gameloft。gameloft是法国Ubisoft集团(育碧软件,全球10大娱乐软件开发商)旗下的子公司,从建立公司的初始就是以制作高品质的移动游戏为理念。在那个年代,手机游戏的市场规模还非常小,掌上游戏99.9%被日本任天堂公司的GAMEBOY占领,gameloft专攻手机游戏的定位在当时确实是有点“超前”了,想让玩家的目标转移到手机游戏上来,确实是件不容易的事。在创立之初,gameloft在游戏业界只是无名小辈,和现在的高知名程度相去甚远。当时手机硬件之水平的低下几乎限制了手机游戏的所有可能性,软件的基础是硬件,在当时手机普及率不高以及单色屏幕的制约下,手机游戏的生存空间非常小,加上每个手机公司都有自己的专有系统,虽然SUN公司的Kjava应用已经出现,但软件兼容性始终制约着手机游戏软件的发展。在这样严峻的状况下,gameloft开始了单色时代的创业。 The magazine has introduced many wonderful games such as “Divided Cell”, “Prince of Persia”, “Brothers,” “GT Race Car,” “Diamond” and “Mission Impossible” are all from our today to introduce the mobile phone game The production company gameloft hand, and even recently in the treasure chest popular animation theme game “Jungle Counter-Strike” also from gameloft hand. Since its inception in 1999, gameloft has grown to become the world's largest maker / publisher of mobile games. Today we bring everyone into the gameloft game Empire. Speaking of cell phones can play games, the initial memory may be only “Snake” and “Tetris”, although these games are also very fun, but such a game can not meet the needs of the majority of mobile phone players. With the improvement of mobile phone functions and the widespread application of Java programs, some complicated games are also appearing on some mobile phones. There is a market, there is a supply, in 1999 in France, a company specializing in mobile games for the business was born, it is now the famous gameloft. gameloft is a subsidiary of French Ubisoft Group (Ubisoft, one of the top 10 entertainment software developers in the world). From the very beginning, the company founded the concept of making high-quality mobile games. At that time, the market size of mobile games was still very small. 99.9% of the handheld games were occupied by GAMEBOY of Japan's Nintendo. The positioning of gameloft specializing in mobile games was indeed a bit “advanced” at the time, and wanted the player's goal Transfer to the mobile game up, it is really not easy. At the beginning of its creation, gameloft was just an unnamed junior in the game industry, far behind its current high profile. At that time, the low level of mobile phone hardware almost restricted the possibilities of mobile games. The software was based on hardware. At that time, the popularity of mobile phones was not high and the control of monochromatic screens was very small. The living space of mobile games was very small, Mobile phone companies have their own proprietary system, although the company's Kjava SUN applications have emerged, but the software compatibility has always restricted the development of mobile gaming software. In such a harsh situation, gameloft started a monochromatic era of entrepreneurship.
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