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低体重儿的死亡原因以新生儿呼吸窘迫综合征(RDS)最为常见,RDS的发病原因与肺泡不成熟及缺乏能使肺泡充分扩张的肺泡表面活性物质有关。近年来,认为即使肺泡构造已完善,若缺乏肺表面活性物质也不能进行充分的呼吸。这种肺表面活性物质是磷脂质和蛋白质的复合体,在磷脂质中起表面活性作用的是饱和的亚磷脂,它在胎儿肺泡Ⅱ型细胞内合成并向肺泡腔分泌而出现于羊水中。因此许多人试验在出生前用羊水分析来诊断胎儿肺成熟度,自Gluck等(1971)测定羊水中卵磷脂与鞘磷脂之比以来,又进行许多研究,如Nelson测定羊水中磷脂质量及卵磷脂量,藤原等以蔗糖密度梯 The causes of death in low birth weight infants are most common in neonatal respiratory distress syndrome (RDS), and the pathogenesis of RDS is related to immature alveoli and the lack of alveolar surfactant that can fully expand the alveoli. In recent years, it has been considered that adequate respiration can not be achieved even in the absence of pulmonary surfactant even though the alveolar structure is well established. This pulmonary surfactant is a complex of phospholipids and proteins that are surface-active in phospholipids and are saturated phospholipids that are synthesized in fetal alveolar type II cells and secreted into the alveolar space in amniotic fluid. Therefore, many people test the use of amniotic fluid analysis to diagnose fetal lung maturity prior to birth. Since Gluck et al. (1971) determined the ratio of lecithin to sphingomyelin in amniotic fluid, there have been many studies, such as Nelson’s determination of phospholipid mass in amniotic fluid and lecithin Amount, Fujiwara to sucrose density ladder
Toll样受体(Toll-like receptors,TLRs)是目前研究最清楚的一类模式识别受体,募集一类含有TIR结构域的接头分子,激活下游的IRAK和MAPK家族信号分子以及E3泛素连接酶TRAF分子,
ResearchonCrystalStructureoftheComplexof10-Hydroxy-10-(3-indolyl)-9-phenanthrenonewithTetrahydrofuranMengJi-Ben;WenZhong;Wang... Researchon Crystal Structure of Complex of 10-Hydroxy-10- (3-indolyl) -9-phenanthrenone with Tetrahydrofuran Meng Ji-Ben; Wen
去氢紫堇碱 (DHC) 12 .5~ 2 0 0 μmol·L- 1对大鼠离体胸主动脉环由去甲肾上腺素 (NE) ,KCl,CaCl2诱发的收缩反应均呈非竞争性拮抗作用 ,pD′2 分别为 5 .12 ,3.83和 3.4 9,
从詹姆斯·迪恩,到张炬、张雨生……一个个短暂而灿烂的生命似乎都难逃车祸的厄运,在与命运的交锋中他们永远地合上了双眼,只留给人们美丽却又遗憾的记忆。 而罗中旭无疑是
一、前言 从政治和经济两个方面讲,中国都出现了前所未有的良好局面。“软着陆”取得了很大的成功,GDP保持了年增8%的强劲增长,而通货膨胀率已从1994年几乎高达25%降到了最近
本文给出了振动频率V_(x-H)与价层轨道平均能,键长的关系方程:。用该式计算了一些常见的HnX型分子的V_(x-n),结果与实验数据颇为一致。 In this paper, the relationship between the vibration