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  Though California’s Disneyland claims to be“The Happiest Place on Earth,” we like to think that Denmark’s Legoland, though smaller, may give it a run for its money[有能力抗衡].
  Legoland is a theme park celebrating[表扬,赞美] the “toy of the century” in the country in which it was invented: Denmark, “the world’s happiest nation.”So you have to believe this place will be something special. And it is.
  Opened back in 1968, Legoland is located in Billund, a small town in regional[地理区域的] Denmark that was the birthplace of the toy bricks[积木]. Billund is some 260km west of Copenhagen; handily[方便地], the airport built here by the Lego company in the mid-1960s has grown to become the second largest airport in Denmark. Public transport to the park is excellent.
  Once here, your heart will be warmed by the sight of 59 million plastic bricks put together to create Lego-heaven, possibly by so many happy Scandinavian[斯堪的纳维亚的] families. You might feel a little underdressed[穿着太随便] if you are not accessorizing[穿戴装饰品] with your own excited children, but don’t be put off[使气馁]—this place all but begs you to embrace[热切地接受] your inner child.
  For anyone above the age of five, the highlight of Legoland is Miniland—20 million plastic blocks snapped[使劈啪地响] together to create miniature[微型的] cities and replicate[复制] global icons[偶像]. You cannot help but marvel at[惊奇] the brilliant miniature models of the Kennedy Space Centre, Amsterdam canals[运河], the Bergen waterfront[水边码头] or a Scottish castle and loch[(苏格兰)湖], and you will no doubt vow[发誓] to head home and drag your Legos out of storage to see what masterpiece you can create.
  In Miniland, you can also do some advance[预先的] sightseeing of Danish landmarks including Copenhagen’s tourist magnet Nyhavn; the country’s oldest town, Ribe; or the royal palace of Amalienborg. Kids can take a mini-jeep safari[狩猎远征] through an African wildlife park (lions, zebras and giraffes built from Legos, of course). All ages can take a mini-boat trip past landmarks such as the Statue of Liberty, the Acropolis[雅典卫城], and the Abu Simbel temples注. The reconstructions[重建] are on a scale[比例] of 1:20 to 1:40, and the attention to detail is incredible[难以置信的]. The park’s largest piece, a model of Mount Rushmore with the four American presidents, was built using 1.5 million Lego bricks! The smallest piece? A dove in Miniland, built of four small white bricks.   来到这里,看到由5900万块塑料积木砌成的乐高玩具天堂的壮观景象,你的心头肯定会涌起一股暖流。这座积木天堂很可能是由很多幸福快乐的斯堪的纳维亚家庭建造起来的呢。如果你没有带上自己兴奋不已的小孩,你可能会觉得有点格格不入,不过别泄气,这个地方就是要你尽情拥抱内心的那份童真。
  在乐高迷你城,你还能预先观赏一下丹麦的各个地标,包括哥本哈根的旅游“磁石”——新港,还有丹麦最古老的城市里伯和阿马林堡宫。孩子们可以坐迷你吉普车游览非洲野生动物园(当然,里面的狮子、斑马和长颈鹿等都是用乐高积木砌成的)。各年龄段的游客都可以乘坐迷你船观赏自由女神像、雅典卫城和阿布·辛拜勒神庙等地标。这些模型是按照与实物1: 20到1: 40的比例复制的,其对细节的关注简直令人难以置信。园中最大的一处模型是刻着四位美国总统的拉什莫尔山模型,总共用了150万块乐高积木!最小的模型又是什么呢?就是迷你城里的一只鸽子,由四块白色小积木做成。
  New to the park in 2011 is the Star Wars area, where 1.5 million bricks have been used to recreate seven scenes from the Star Wars films. The four-legged robotic[机器人的] walkers made of Legos are something to watch.
  Be sure to pick up a park map for further exploration. The park is divided into themed areas, including Legoredo Town, a Wild West area; Knights’ Kingdom, where a medieval[中世纪的] castle awaits; Pirate Land, which hosts ships and swordplay; and Duplo Land, with safe, simple rides and activities for toddlers[初学走路的孩子].
  Legoland’s rides and activities are mostly aimed at preteens[不满13岁的儿童] and families. Wilder riders should seek out X-treme Racers, a roller coaster[过山车] that reaches speeds of up to 60kph.
  For a break, stop by Atlantis, a large aquarium[水族馆] built around Lego models of divers and submersibles[潜艇]. For the more relaxed park-goers, there are plenty of rides to keep the blood pressure down, from merry-go-rounds[旋转木马] to a peaceful train ride. Once the entrance fee is paid, all rides are free. Happy indeed.
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  乐高乐园是一系列连锁主题乐园,主要由英国梅林娱乐公司(Merlin Entertainment)运营,而非乐高积木的持有者乐高集团。全球共有六个乐高乐园,分别是:
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