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一 作为精神产品生产和销售的社会科学学术期刊,同其他物质产品一样具有它自身的价值和使用价值,因为它们都要投入必要的劳动量,需要一定的成本。不同之处在于,学术理论期刊作为精神生产的成果,除了商品属性之外,还具有意识形态属性。即是说学术理论期刊的存在和发展,主要是为了满足人们的精神生活需要,作用于人们精神世界,直接或间接地影响着人们的思想、观念、道德、意志、情操,制约着人们的世界观、人生观、价值观和道德观。这种产品双重属性,相应地引发出两种不同的效益追求:第一,作为商品,学术理论期刊要重视经济效益,尽量地实现盈利;第二,作为意识形态的载体,学术理论期刊要讲究社会效益,必须为社会主义精神文明建设服务。受双重性制约的两种效益之间的种种矛盾,在学术理论期刊走向市场的条件下,尤其需要人们通过改革措施自觉地加以调整。其调整的原则就是邓小平1985年9月23日在中国共产党全国代表会议上的讲话中提出的“思想文化教育卫生部门,都要以社会效益为一切活动的唯一准则,它们所属的企业也要以社会效益为最高准则。”“思想文化界要多出好的精神产品,要坚决制止坏产品的生产、进口和流传。”社会科学学术理论期刊的生存与发展必须以此为根本准则。 A social science journals, produced and sold as spiritual products, have their own value and use value as other material products because they all require the necessary labor and cost. The difference is that academic journals as a result of spiritual production, in addition to the product attributes, but also has the ideological attributes. That is to say that the existence and development of academic periodicals are mainly to satisfy people’s spiritual life needs and to act on the spiritual world of the people, directly or indirectly affect people’s thoughts, concepts, morals, will and sentiment and restrict people’s worldview , Outlook on life, values ​​and morality. The dual nature of this product, correspondingly, leads to two different pursuit of efficiency: first, as a commodity, academic theoretical journals should pay attention to economic benefits and maximize profits; second, as an ideological carrier, academic periodicals should pay attention to Social benefits, we must serve the socialist spiritual civilization construction. The contradictions between the two benefits constrained by duality require the people to adjust themselves consciously through the reform measures under the condition that the academic periodical goes to the market. The principle of adjustment is that Deng Xiaoping pointed out in his speech at the CPC National Conference on September 23, 1985 that the ideological, cultural and educational health departments must take social benefits as the sole criterion for all their activities. The enterprises to which they belong also need Social benefits are the highest standards. “” Ideological and cultural circles want more good spiritual products, and we must resolutely stop the production, import and circulation of bad products. "The survival and development of social science academic periodicals must be used as the fundamental guideline.
理想的工作环境应具备哪些条件?理想办公环境应讲求经营管理灵活、人际关系平等、办公空间开放。   有关调查得出的结论是:理想工作环境要有像家一样舒适的办公室、开明亲切的老板、守望相助的同事、明白事理的顾客,当然还包括免费进修课程,令自己掌握最新科技,与时俱进。     理想办公室     陆 诗 22岁 北京师范大学毕业 最重要的是令人感觉舒服——清洁、整齐、设备现代化。一个拥有健身室、休息室的办公
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