
来源 :中国给水排水 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lwsun_2008
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采用ITM(Illinois Transient Model)模型模拟了广州市东濠涌深层排水隧道入流过程,通过对正常和特殊运行工况多种情景的模拟,研究了涌浪产生的条件和过程,并探讨了消除涌浪的工程措施和管理措施。研究表明,在正常运行工况下,东濠涌深层排水隧道系统有足够的能力应对10年一遇重现期的设计暴雨,隧道中不会产生涌浪现象。竖井中设置调蓄池,能小幅降低波动水位,但对隧道中瞬态水流的影响较小。隧道与排水泵站的分隔闸门突然关闭或排水泵站突然停止抽水等特殊工况,会发生涌浪风险,需要采取相应技术措施。 The ITM (Illinois Transient Model) model was used to simulate the inflow process of the Donghao Chung deep drainage tunnel in Guangzhou. Through the simulation of various scenarios of normal and special operating conditions, the conditions and process of surge generation were studied. Wave engineering measures and management measures. The study shows that under normal operating conditions, the Dong Ho Chung Deep Drainage Tunnel System has sufficient capacity to cope with design heavy rain events that occur once in a decade and no surge occurs in the tunnel. The setting up of the storage tank in the shaft can slightly reduce the fluctuating water level, but it has less influence on the transient water flow in the tunnel. Tunnels and drainage pumping stations suddenly shut down the separation gate or drainage pumping station suddenly stopped pumping and other special conditions, surge risk occurs, the need to take appropriate technical measures.
1.前言在小于一个 psi(磅/英寸~2)及水柱压力范围内精确地测量及定量测试低漂移压的需求已促使传感器的制造商们重新对此测量要求进行考虑。目前,通过采用各种技术已经能够
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