中共山东省委 山东省人民政府关于提高自主创新能力加快工业结构调整的意见

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加快建设以企业为主体的创新体系,转变工业发展方式取得重大进展。高新技术产业产值占规模以上工业总产值的比重提前达到35%;技术改造投资占全省固定资产投资的比重达到35%以上;全社会研发投入占生产总值的比重提高到2%;主要工业企业装备居国内先进水平的达到68%,其中国际先进水平的达到30%;单位GDP能耗降低22%;信息技术在重点行业和企业中得到普遍应用。围绕实施“一体两翼”区域发展和海洋经济战略,突出青岛龙头地位,建设在国内具有一定显示度的以胶东半岛制造业基地、济南都市圈为主体的高新技术产业带和以鲁南经济带、黄河三角洲为主体的高新技术增长极。科技进步对经济增长的贡献率大幅上升,创新型省份建设进入全国领先行列。 Accelerate the construction of an innovation system that takes enterprises as the main body, and make major progress in transforming the mode of industrial development. The proportion of the output value of high-tech industries in the total industrial output value above designated size has reached 35% in advance; the proportion of technological transformation investment in fixed asset investment in the province has reached more than 35%; the proportion of total research and development input in the total GDP has increased to 2%; major industries Enterprise equipment ranks at the domestic advanced level of 68%, including 30% of the international advanced level; energy consumption per unit of GDP is reduced by 22%; information technology is widely used in key industries and enterprises. Focusing on the implementation of the “One Body, Two Wings” regional development and marine economic strategy, highlighting Qingdao’s leading position and building a high-tech industrial belt based on the Jiaodong Peninsula manufacturing base and the Jinan metropolitan area with a certain degree of indication in the domestic economy and the economy of Lunan. With the Yellow River Delta as the main body of high-tech growth pole. The contribution rate of scientific and technological progress to economic growth has risen sharply, and the construction of innovative provinces has entered the nation's leading ranks.
目的 了解Kaposi肉瘤组织内人类8型疱疹病毒(HHV-8)在Kaposi肉瘤发病中的作用。方法 应用荧光原位聚合酶链反应(PCR)方法对20例新疆Kaposi肉瘤组织进行HHV-8DNA检测,Kaposi肉瘤组织损害包括结节12份、斑块6份、斑片2份。同时和20份非Kaposi肉瘤组织,包括纤维瘤组织18份,血管瘤组织2份进行对照。结果 20例新疆Kaposi肉瘤组织中有17例检测到HHV-8
圆锥曲线积沉深厚的文化底蕴,潜在许多的优美性质,笔者对椭圆和双曲线上的点和对两条准线和对称轴的交点作了研究,得到了如下一个有趣的不等式. The profound cultural conn