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在我国,各级各类档案馆和机关档案室共同组成国家全部档案的保管系统,档案馆作为保管中心,档案保护技术工作已初具规模。然而,各级各类机关档案室保存了现行机关的数千万卷档案,则因条件差、设备简陋、档案管理人员专业知识缺乏等原因,保护技术工作始终是一个薄弱环节。机关档案室作为“卷册之海”的发源地,档案保护技术工作更具有现实意义和深远的历史意义。(一)机关档案室保存的档案是发展档案事业的物质基础。不集小流无以成江海,不汇各级机关档案室的档案,档案馆事业就将失去赖以存在和发展的物质基础。因此,只有把机关档案室的档案完好无缺地保存下来,才能不断地丰富馆藏,使档案事业得以发展。(二)机关档案工作的现状对档案保护提出新的要求。现行机关产生的档案一般要在档案室保管十至二十年,但由于档案室设施简陋,保 In our country, all kinds of archives at all levels and the departmental archives jointly form the custody system of all the archives in the country, and the archives as the custodial center, the technical work of archival protection has begun to take shape. However, due to poor conditions, poor equipment and lack of professional knowledge of archivists, the protection of technical work has always been a weak link because archives of all levels and organs hold archives of tens of millions of files of current organs. As the birthplace of the sea of ​​volumes, the archives and archives offices of the government have more practical and far-reaching historical significance in their technical work on file protection. (1) The archives kept by the archives of the organs are the material basis for the development of archives. If we do not collect the inflows into rivers and rivers and do not bring together archives of departments and agencies’ archives, the cause of the archives will lose the material basis upon which the existence and development depend. Therefore, only the archives of the archives of the organs can be kept intact in order to enrich the collection continuously and enable the archives to be developed. (B) the current situation of the work of archives put forward new requirements for archives protection. Archives generated by the current organs are generally kept in archives for 10 to 20 years. However, due to the poor facilities of archives,
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