《中学政治教学参考》创新方案(三) 着力选题策划 实现战略转移

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选题是刊物流动的血液,是刊物生命的养料,是刊物骨架的支撑,主刊创新最终、最根本要落实在选题策划设计上。因此,必须实行战略重心向策划设计转移,搞好选题策划设计,关键是把握选题策划的共性与个性,基础是必须回答五大基本问题:谁策划,凭什么策划,为什么策划,策划什么,怎样策划。一、谁策划,要求回答策划主体问题策划主体有基础层、中心层、把关层。基础层策划主体为初审者、栏目主持人。初审者要初步架起模块栏目结构,从自然来稿中选出可用稿件。栏目主持人受主编指导,在规定时间将自己负责策划的约稿交责任编辑。中心层策划主体为责任编辑、副主编。责任 The selected topic is the blood flowing from the publication, the nourishment of the journal’s life, the support of the journal’s skeleton, and the final innovation of the main journal must be implemented on the design and design of the selected topic. Therefore, we must implement a shift from strategic focus to planning and design. The key is to grasp the commonness and individuality of the topic selection. The basis is to answer five basic questions: Who is planning, why is it planned, why is it planned, what is planned, How to plan. First, who plans, asks to answer the main problem of planning the main body of the basic layer, the center layer, the gatekeeper. The primary planner is the primary examiner and the column leader. The preliminary examiner should initially set up the structure of the module column and select the available manuscript from the natural draft. The column host is guided by the editor and submits the draft of the draft he is responsible for planning to the responsible editor. The central planning entity is responsible editor and associate editor. responsibility
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颁奖词是在颁奖典礼上,对获奖对象的事迹进行陈述评价的礼仪文稿。课本人物颁奖词就是对课本文本的作者或文本塑造的人物进行褒颂性评价的实用短文。看下面的课本人物颁奖词:  鲁 迅 他身材瘦小,却是文学巨匠、思想巨人。东渡扶桑,回击日本青年的无理挑衅;弃医从文,为国人铺就了一条救国的思想之路;文笔犀利而深刻,揭露黑暗现实,医治国民麻木。他是中华精神之脊梁!  庄 子 九千里豪情,三千方濮水,曳尾涂
请看2005年一道湖南高考试题: The more I think about him,the more reasons I find for loving him——I did. A.asmuch as B.as long as C.as soon as D.as far as 在2005的高
在社会高速发展与素质教育全面展开的今天,不仅是让学生学会老师所教的东西,更重要的是要培养他们的自学能力。 Today, with the rapid development of society and the ful