
来源 :电力标准化与计量 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haili20102010
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2003年11月18日,中国电力企业联合会作出“关于表彰电力行业标准工作先进集体、先进个人的决定”(中电联标[2003]85号)。决定说:“近三年来,电力行业各专业标委会、协会、企业和广大电力员工,认真学习、贯彻落实有关标准化工作方针、政策,紧紧围绕电力工业的改革与发展,努力开展电力标准化工作,取得了很大成绩。其间共完成制修订电力标准345项,对规范电力市场行为、提高经济效益和确保电力系统安全稳定运行起到了很大作用;共采用国际标准和国外先进标准49项,加快了电力标准化与国际接轨的步伐;编制了《工程建设标准强制性条文》(电力工程部分),从源头上保证了电力建设工程质量;编撰企业管理标准和工作标准范本,推动了企业标准化工作。在这些标准化活动中,涌现出一大批先进集体和先进个人。为了总结经验、表彰先进,进一步推动电力标准化工作的深入开展,中电联决定,对为电力行业标准化事业做出突出成绩的68个先进集体和141名先进个人予以表彰。”这是电力行业首次进行的标准化先进评选活动,对推动电力标准化工作无疑将起到积极作用。现将受到表彰的先进集体和先进个人名单刊附于后。 November 18, 2003, China Electricity Council to make “on the power industry standard work advanced collectives, advanced individual’s decision” (CEC [2003] No. 85). Decided to say: “In the past three years, the power industry professional standards committees, associations, enterprises and the majority of electrical employees, earnestly study and implement the standardization work guidelines and policies, closely around the reform and development of the power industry, and strive to carry out power standardization Work, made great achievements .A total of 345 power standards were revised during the revision, regulating the electricity market behavior, improve economic efficiency and ensure the safe and stable operation of the power system has played a significant role; a total of 49 international standards and foreign advanced standards , Speeding up the pace of standardization of power and international standards; compilation of ”mandatory provisions of the engineering construction standards“ (Power Engineering), from the source to ensure the quality of power construction projects; compilation of enterprise management standards and working standards model, and promote the standardization of enterprises Work.In these standardization activities, a large number of advanced collectives and advanced individuals emerged.In order to sum up experience, commend advanced, and further promote the standardization of power work in depth, CEC decided to make outstanding achievements for the power industry standardization 68 advanced collectives and 141 advanced individuals to be commended. ”This is Advanced power industry standardization selection activities carried out for the first time, to promote the standardization of power will undoubtedly play a positive role. The list of advanced collectives and individuals entitled to recognition is now attached.
针对种植业结构调整和市场需求 ,推广蚕豆—西瓜 +春玉米—秋玉米栽培模式 ,可取得良好的经济效益 ,其栽培技术如下。1 品种选择蚕豆选择市场俏销的日本大白蚕良种 ,西瓜可
China is one of the main production areas of pummelo [Citrus grandis(L.) Osbeck.] in the world and has lots of distinctive local cultivars.Systematic research o