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根据协整检验和因果关系检验等计量方法,利用江苏省苏北、苏中、苏南典型地区徐州市、南通市和苏州市1992~2010年物流发展和国内生产总值的年度数据,对苏北、苏中、苏南地区的物流和经济增长的关系进行了实证分析。结果表明:三个地区的物流发展与经济增长均存在二阶协整关系;苏北徐州市和苏南苏州市两个变量存在单向Granger因果关系,但两个变量Granger因果关系刚好相反,徐州市两个变量存在物流对经济增长单向的Granger原因,苏州市存在经济增长对物流单向的Granger原因,而苏中南通市两个变量存在双向Granger因果关系。在建立徐州市物流发展与经济增长关系误差修正模型基础上,提出了徐州市为促进经济增长的物流发展相关措施建议。 According to the cointegration test and causal relationship test and other measurement methods, the annual data of logistics development and GDP of Xuzhou, Nantong and Suzhou from 1992 to 2010 in the northern Jiangsu, The relationship between the logistics and economic growth in the north, the middle and the south of Jiangsu Province was analyzed empirically. The results show that there is a second-order cointegration relationship between logistics development and economic growth in the three regions. There is one-way Granger causation between Xuzhou city in Jiangsu province and Suzhou city in Jiangsu province. However, the two variables have the opposite causality between Granger and Xuzhou The two variables in city Granger reason that the logistics have unidirectional economic growth, the Granger cause that the economic growth in Suzhou has one-way to the logistics, while the two variables in Jiangsu-Nantong have two-way Granger causality. On the basis of establishing the error correction model of the relationship between logistics development and economic growth in Xuzhou, this paper puts forward some suggestions on the measures for the development of logistics in Xuzhou City to promote economic growth.
目的:探讨冠状动脉介入治疗(PCI)术后对比剂肾损伤(CIN)发病情况及危险因素。方法:回顾性调查天津市胸科医院心内科2009-01-2010-12行PCI术的1 435例患者,根据是否发生CIN将
1 病例资料rn患者,男,53岁,因“心前区压榨性疼痛3h”于2010-10-14日入院.患者于3h前无明显诱因出现心前区压榨性疼痛,约巴掌大小,伴大汗淋漓,休息不能缓解,急来我院就诊,心
在市场推广上,科学的推理和计算是成功的真实保障,叫好却不叫座的广告投放中的“成长的烦恼”毕竟不是企业所希望看到的。 In marketing, scientific reasoning and calcula