如何塑造新时期思想政治工作者形象 塑造完美形象的实质和意义

来源 :思想政治工作研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mingxue27
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形象问题对于思想政治工作者来说,是头等重要的问题。现就新时期思想政治工作者形象的实质及其塑造完美形象的意义谈点认识。我们讲塑造思想政治工作者形象,实质是人格与权威的关系问题,是非权力影响的基础问题。思想政治工作的权威机制主要有四个方面的内容:真理的力量、情感的力量、人格的力量、权力的力量。前三者合起来属非权力性影响力,是思想政治工作本质力量之所在。权力不是必要条件,做思想工作不能靠权力,然而,一定的权力却能解决一些实际问题,所以权力仍成为思想政治工作权威机制的一个重要因素,不能要求思想政治工作“非权力化”。在思想政治工作的非权力性影响中,真理的力 The image issue is of paramount importance to the ideological and political workers. We should talk about the essence of the image of the ideological and political workers in the new era and the significance of shaping the perfect image. We say that shaping the image of ideological and political workers is essentially the question of the relationship between personality and authority and the basic issue of non-power influence. The authority mechanism of ideological and political work mainly has four aspects: the power of truth, the power of emotion, the power of personality and the power of power. Together the former three belong to non-power influence, which is the essence of ideological and political work. However, a certain amount of power can solve some practical problems. Therefore, power remains an important factor in the authority and mechanism of ideological and political work. It can not require “de-authorization” of ideological and political work. The power of truth in the non-power influence of ideological and political work
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本疗法先将经ACD抗凝剂体外抗凝的病人自身或献血员静脉血,置于一特制的石英玻璃容器内,进行10个生物剂量的紫外线照射同时向容器内充氧,不停轻摇容器,当血液由暗红逐渐 Th
患者 ,女 ,56岁 ,农民 ,因发作性夜间呼吸困难半月于 1999年 9月 14日入院 ,以往有返酸嗳气病史 2年。查体 :BP15/ 12 k Pa。心肺听诊无异常。心率78次 /分 ,律齐 ,各瓣膜听