Laparoscopic retrosternal gastric pull-up for fistulized mediastinal mass

来源 :World Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:castchen
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We describe the case of a patient successfully reconstructed with laparoscopic retrosternal gastric pull-up after esophagectomy for unresectable posterior mediastinal inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor, eroding into the esophagus and compressing the airways. A partial esophagectomy with esophagostomy was performed for treatment of esophageal pleural fistula and empyema, while the airways were managed with the placement of an endobronchial stent. Gastrointestinal reconstruction was performed using a laparoscopic approach to create a retrosternal tunnel for gastric conduit pull-up and cervical anastomosis. The patient was discharged uneventfully after 6 d, and has done very well at home with normal diet. We describe the case of a patient successfully reconstructed with laparoscopic retrosternal gastric pull-up after esophagectomy for unresectable posterior mediastinal inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor, eroding into the esophagus and compressing the airways. A partial esophagectomy with esophagostomy was performed for treatment of esophageal pleural fistula and empyema , while the airways were managed with the placement of an endobronchial stent. Gastrointestinal reconstruction was performed using a laparoscopic approach to create a retrosternal tunnel for gastric conduit pull-up and cervical anastomosis. The patient was discharged uneventfully after 6 d, and done done very well at home with normal diet.
編輯同志: 我參加原建國中學(現改為河北滄縣第二中學)教學工作以來,感到我校存在着一些問題,沒有得到應有的解决,現在正當學期結束的時候,願意提出個人意見,供领導改進工作
【中图分类号】G623.24 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2013)08-0082-01  小学课本里选了很多古诗词,老师在教学生学习古诗词时可以把写作也结合起来,学以致用,提高语文学习的效率。例如学习《春晓》(作者孟浩然)  春眠不觉晓,  处处闻啼鸟;  夜来风雨声,  花落知多少。  老师在基本讲解分析使学生有所理解后。再叫学生发挥联想和想象有创造性的散译这首诗。同学们