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技术进步和加强企业管理是现代企业的两项永恒主题。供电企业属于技术密集型、资金密集型企业,要有一支精干的职工队伍对设备进行科学运行、维护,保证为社会提供优质、安全、可靠的电能,保证国有资产的保值、增值和企业效益的最大化。因此必须以二十一世纪知识经济时代为背景,思考企业发展的新战略和市场竞争的新态势。今天我们强调“以人为本”,认识到人才是企业极其宝贵的资源,并且注意到随着继续教育(对专业技术人员包括管理人员知识技能的补充、更新、拓宽和提高的一种加速智力开发的教育)的进行,企业才会不断增值。所以我们赞赏有些企业提出“像办学校一样办企业”的口号,通过建立行之有效的教育体系,培植适合青年人才成长的厚实土壤,激发青年职工的学习热情,不断 Technological progress and strengthening business management are two eternal themes of modern business. Power supply enterprises are technology-intensive and capital-intensive enterprises. A capable workforce is required to conduct scientific operation, maintenance and guarantee of equipment to provide society with high-quality, safe and reliable power and to ensure the preservation, appreciation and enterprise efficiency of state-owned assets maximize. Therefore, we must consider the new strategy of enterprise development and the new trend of market competition in the background of the 21st century knowledge-based economy. Today, we emphasize “people-oriented”, recognizing that talent is an invaluable resource for an enterprise, and noting that with continuing education (an education that accelerates intellectual development that complements, updates, broadens and enhances the knowledge and skills of managers, including professional and technical personnel, ), Businesses will continue to add value. Therefore, we appreciate the slogan put forward by some enterprises that “enterprises should be run like schools.” We must inspire the enthusiasm of young workers through the establishment of an effective education system, cultivating a solid foundation suitable for the growth of young talents,
[Objective]To study the extraction technology of flavonoids from Lycium chinense Mill. . [Method]The flavonoids were extracted from leaves and fruit stalk of Ly
Soil salinity is one of the major abiotic stresses affecting plant growth and crop production.In the present study,salt tolerance at rice seedling stage was eva