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   Three Mexican fishermen have been rescued after drifting for about nine months across thousands of miles of the Pacific Ocean in a small boat, an ordeal they survived by eating raw birds and fish and drinking rain water.
   The shark fishermen said on Wednesday they left their home town of San Blas on Mexico's Pacific coast in November and were blown 5,000 miles off course after their 25-foot (8-meter) fiberglass boat ran out of gas and they were left to the mercy of the winds and the tides.
   这些出海捕捉鲨鱼的渔民表示,他们于去年11月从墨西哥太平洋海岸的家乡圣布拉斯镇出发,在行驶了5 000英里后,他们25英尺(8米)长的渔船没气了,只能靠风力和潮汐漂泊。
  Their families had given them up for dead, but they found a way to survive in what appeared to be one of the most impressive feats of endurance on the high seas.
   "We ate raw fish, ducks, sea gulls. We took down any bird that landed on our boat and we ate it like that, raw," Jesus Vidana, one of the three survivors, said in a Mexican radio interview from the ship that rescued them.
  The news stunned friends and relatives.
  "It's truly a miracle. Everyone is very happy," said Jose Guadalupe Guerra, a town hall official in San Blas."Everyone found out from the television. A cousin of one of them fainted from the shock. His grandfather also got very emotional —they'd written them off as dead," he said.
   The odyssey finally ended when Vidana and the other two men, identified as Salvador Ordonez and Lucio Rendon, were rescued later by a Taiwanese tuna fishing trawler in waters between the Marshall Islands and Kiribati.
  "They were very skinny and very hungry," Eugene Muller, manager of the fishing firm that found them, said on Wednesday.
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