在温家宝总理3月19日主持召开国务院常务会议后,新一届国务院已正式开始运作。在“切实加强政府自身建设”的要求下,人们对如何坚持依法行政期望很高。 尽管近几年依法行政工作取得了巨大成绩,但存在的“软肋”也十分明显:在行政法规制定上,体现转变政府职能、实行政企分开的原则不够,政府机关管的事仍然过多,办事手续繁琐;政府部门之间职权交叉重复的问题仍然没有彻底解决,造成相互推诿、扯皮,甚至“依法打架”;对有关行政管理部门规定的权力比较
After Premier Wen Jiabao chaired a State Council executive meeting on March 19, the new State Department has officially started its operation. At the request of “earnestly strengthening the government’s own construction,” people have a high expectation of how to adhere to the principle of administering according to law. Despite the great achievements made in the administration of the law in recent years, the “weakness” that exists is also obvious: in formulating the administrative laws and regulations, the principle of changing the functions of the government and separating government from enterprises is not enough; the government agencies still have too many things to manage; Complicated administrative procedures; cross-functional cross-functional issues between government departments still not completely resolved, resulting in mutual push, wrangling and even “fighting according to law”; the power of the relevant administrative departments